↬ epilogue

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Sooyoung swung the hand she had entangled with Jiwoo's back and forth lightly as they walked through the park, the sunlight reflecting perfectly off Jiwoo's skin, almost making her glow. "It's really nice out today, Sooyoung," Jiwoo commented, circling her thumb around the back of Sooyoung's hand, "Mmhm, it is," Sooyoung agreed, "The fact that I'm with you just makes it that much nicer," 

Jiwoo blushed lightly, smiling up at Sooyoung, "You're so sweet, did you know that's why I liked you in the first place? You're the sweetest person on the planet," 

The fact that Jiwoo had been with Sooyoung for three years hadn't changed anything for her, she'd heard stories from people that love would eventually just get stale. But, those had just been stories, as nothing felt stale to her. She still laughed at Sooyoung's bad jokes, blushed at her cute comments and still thought she was the most perfect being on the planet. 

"You're so nice, Jiwoo," Sooyoung giggled, plopping down beneath a tree and gesturing for Jiwoo to do the same. Jiwoo sat down next to her, leaning her head on her shoulder, admiring the comfortable silence before Sooyoung spoke, "You know, I'm glad you make up Seungshin. Imagine where we would be now if you didn't," 

"I'm hoping we'd still be here, sitting under this nice tree in the good weather," Jiwoo sighed happily as a cool breeze batted at her face. 

"Me too, Jiwoo. Me too," 

a/n: i hope you enjoyed reading this as much as i enjoyed writing this! thank you so so much for all the support on this book, and just the support in general. i love you all endlessly! with endless love and affection, olivia. 

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