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"Jimin! Wake up its your first day at school!" Jimin's mother yelled outside of Jimin's bedroom door.
"Five mor-" Before Jimin could finish his mother came into the room and pulled his hair and got him out of bed. "I-I'm going already" Jimin said and his mother left the room. Jimin slowly got up and got ready to go to he*COUGH COUGH!* I mean school, he got ready for school.

Once Jimin got to the office of bighit high school he saw another boy. The boy was sitting down, he looked upset and has pale skin. "H-Hi I-I'm Jimin" The pale boy looked up at Jimin. "Yoongi" The pale boy spoke.
"A-Are you new here?" Jimin asked and Yoongi nodded. Jimin sighed in relief "at least I'm not alone" Jimin thought to himself. That's when a man approached the two boys. "Min Yoongi? And Park Jimin?" The man asked while holding two papers. The two boys nodded. "Alright then, I'm the principal, call me Jay. Here's your classes, now get going" The principal said while handing the two boys their papers. Both Yoongi and Jimin had the same classes so all they had to do was... Find their classes until... "Hey Snow White!" A boy yelled out. Yoongi looked up and so did Jimin. Yoongi rolled his eyes, "leave me alone, and go away" Yoongi said calming but stern as Jimin was behind him. The boy came up to Yoongi and pushed him against the locker with force. "You can't tell me what to do!" The boy with a baseball cap and bat yelled and kicked Yoongi in the stomach. Yoongi fell to the ground and held his stomach, until he had enough of this boy. Yoongi punched the boy in his face hard enough for the boy to drop the bat he was holding. Yoongi kicked the boy hard enough to keep him down long enough to grab the bat. Once Yoongi had the bat he started beating the boy with it until the boy couldn't stand up. Yoongi was breathing calmly and looked up at the boy's group of friends. The group of boys ran away in fear in not wanting to be beaten with a bat. Yoongi dropped the bat and put his hands in his jean pockets. "So much for a first day of school" Yoongi said and stepped over the boy on the floor. Jimin followed Yoongi around until they found out where all their classes were and went to lunch.

At lunch Jimin looked around the cafeteria for Yoongi but couldn't find him so Jimin sat down at an empty table until-
"Hey there" A soft voice said, and Jimin looked up to see a boy with wide shoulders and fluffy lips. "H-Hi" Jimin replied.
"I'm Jin"
"Jimin". Jin nodded in acknowledgement.
" Oh?  Why don't you have anything to eat?"
"N-Not hungry-"
"Don't be a food dropper. Here have some of my lunch"
"I-I can't"
"It's alright I have more"
"O-Okay" Jimin said and ate a bit of Jin's lunch.
"I-Its good"
"Thank you, made it myself"
"Yep I'll share with you everyday and don't refuse it or I'll force you"
"O-Okay" Jimin said and smiled at Jin.

(Let's see what's happening with Yoongi)

Yoongi was Walking around the school until a group of four boys came towards him. Yoongi turned around and walked the opposite way until a tall bunny looking boy pulled Yoongi back and pushed him into the locker wall.
"Shut up Snow White!"
"You too seriou-" Before Yoongi was done talking he got punched in the stomach. The bunny boy smirked until he saw Yoongi stand up and knee him between the legs. "Ah! What the hell!?" The boy yelled. Yoongi smiled and walked away until another boy grabbed Yoongi's wrists.

"What the hel-"
"Join the group"
"No, let go-"
"I said no, let go"
"Join and I'll let go"
"Fine I'm in"
"Great" The boy said and put an arm around Yoongi's shoulder. "This boy is apart of the group now!" The boy said and the other two boys clapped happily. "The boy that looks like an adorable alien is Taehyung" The boy spoke. "Hi I'm Tae" Taehyung said happily.
"That one who looks like the sun is Hoseok"
"Hey I'm Hoseok" He said happily.
"And I'm Namjoon" The boy who had his arm around Yoongi said happily. "Oh and that almost crying bunny boy that's on the floor because you kneed him is Jungkook" Namjoon said.
"H-Hi I-I'm Jungkook" The bunny boy said trying to stand up. The four boys then turned to Yoongi.
"W-What? Do I have something on my face?" Yoongi asked confused by why they were looking at him. "No kitten, what's your name?" Namjoon asked.
Yoongi started blushing by the sudden nickname. "M-Min  Y-Yoongi"
"Aww he's blushing~!" Namjoon said. "S-Shut up!" Yoongi yelled and kicked Namjoon between the legs. "Ha!" Jungkook laughed happily while finally standing up as Namjoon fell to the ground in pain.

And that's how Yoongi got into the bad boy group that has very very VERY attractive group boys that's called 'BTS', that all the girls will die for... (Not actually don't plz)

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