Chapter 1: Pro #1

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I'm in a bar. What am I doing here...This was a horrible mistake.

Why do I always do this? Why do I always have these bouts of insanity whenever a 'life changing' event happens in my life? Granted the life changing event was breaking up with my boyfriend who to be fair I wasn't even that into.

Have you ever decided to do something because you felt like you needed to get it out of the way? Like it was a phase everyone has to go through in their life? The thing is, before this, I'd never had a boyfriend. I'd never even held hands with a, a whole high school senior. I didn't even feel like I was missing out on anything but I thought that I should just get my first relationship out of the way and that would get the ball rolling...get it? 

Even though I wasn't heartbroken or anything, thinking about it was making me sad. I think more than anything I was upset at the fact that everything in my life was so dull. I don't even know how to explain it. I had an average family, average grades and now I had just gotten out of an average relationship. Was this all life had to offer me? Surely there had to be more to it than this... I quickly snap myself back to reality and decide that this isn't a conversation I should be having with myself in a bar.

I looked over to the entrance and it was packed. I wasn't in the mood of  pushing past people so I decided to go around to the other side to see if there's another way out. 

No such luck. 

It's a lot to take in, considering that this is my first time ever at a bar. In the movies this is how people get over breakups but it just seems to be annoying me. I take a look in the mirror on the wall...I look, older, and it helps that I'm tall, no wonder no one's asked me for ID yet. 

Sigh. I guess I'll have to go try the entrance door again. 

As my luck would have it, on my way out I bump into this guy who spills his drink all over my dress. Great, now I'm going to have to explain why I smell like alcohol to my socially conservative parents.

"Oh! Sorry about that, let me see if I can help" he says, reaching for a handkerchief in his pocket. People still carry those? 

He looks up and I get a good look at him. I'm almost knocked off my feet. He's gorgeous. Well of course he's gorgeous, I hadn't seen a single bad looking guy in the past hour I'd been trying to 'have fun' in this place.

Our eyes lock for a second, then he shakes his head and tries to wipe the drink off of me. This is probably the most physical contact I've ever had with a guy. Sad. I know.

"No point, its not gonna come off..." I say, feeling the stickiness on my thighs. 

"I'm terribly sorry. Can I get you anything to drink to make it up to you?"  He was obviously not new to this, unlike myself. And by 'this' I meant striking up conversation with a total stranger. Also can I just say he was well mannered for a guy you'd meet in a bar (not that I'd ever met a guy in a bar).

"No its fine, I should probably be getting home, it's too loud in here" I say, making weird hand gestures. Why am I this person?

Truthfully, I contemplated accepting the drink offer but in actual reality, if I was being honest with myself, would a guy like him ever talk to a girl like me if we weren't in this kind of environment? No. The answer is no. He was probably intoxicated or just really desperate to get laid or something. There was no way this was really happening.

He moved closer and we were inches apart. We had to talk into each others ears because it was terribly noisy. His breath on my neck sent chills down my spine... he smelled sweet, like intoxicatingly sweet. I kept breathing him in more and more and started feeling dizzy. What cologne was that? If I'd been drinking I would have said someone spiked my drink because there was no other way to describe how I was feeling and reacting to this handsome stranger.

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