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  • Dedicated to Every hardcore bioshock fan out there and courtnee draper, troy baker, ken levin

July 6, 1912                                               


                                                             NEVER GONNA LEAVE

        Ever since i was an adolescent i've always wanted to go to Paris. However, being in a cage doesn't really make me feel confident in seeing myself get there. Well I wasn't actually locked in a cage ,but at times it would feel as if i were. I've always had the the chance to leave ,but if i did i would just be lost. I had no idea what would or could be out there ,and not to mention my ........ family? None the less I was safe and i didn't want to change that. With the cover of a book in one hand and a page in the other, I had awoke to a loud burst coming from the window. "They couldn't have been fireworks it wasn't Independence day anymore" i thought to myself. Still to this day I don't know why ,but i grabbed a big book and crept up to the window to see what the loud noise was all about. "Fireworks?" "Whats going on" I wondered. I threw my book to the floor went into my dressing room to change clothes. I had slipped on a bright white blouse ,with a little pocket in the front, and a blue skirt and a matching ascot and choker with an infinite sign going around it.Then my eyes got locked on a photo i had gotten from one of my books, I had rushed over to my desk to pick it up. Before i could touch it I looked in the mirror and pushed a few strands of hair behind my ear and a few behind the other, then I grabbed the picture and indulged in a beautiful idea. I quickly ran to my dining room ,it's more of a study consisting of paintings and books. Gazing at a beautiful in scene in Paris i had painted two days ago, I lifted my hands and ....... WAIT before i tell you what happened next i must tell you about my rare condition. It may be hard to believe ,but ever since a was little I had an ability to manipulate ripples into other dimensions of time, I called them tears in the mid air. When I was little I remember I could do more than open these dimensions I could create them ,but back to the story! Both my hands reached into the tear and swung back, and before I knew it the tear flung open and there it was ,Paris! It was more beautiful than I could ever imagine ,until an enormous, loud red object came dashing towards me. I quickly closed the tear and ran back to my library in disappointment. I stared out my giant window gazing at all of Columbia holding the Odyssey, when suddenly, I heard loud noise come from above my head.

                                                                           A WAY OUT!!!

        Then suddenly, something big fell from my ceiling and was hanging on a ledge in front of me. I stepped closer to get a glance at what it was,"Uh hello" he said before I realized that it was a man with a gun ,so I screamed. I had managed to knock him off the ledge with my book, then I threw it at him. I managed to throw about 2-3 books at him, as I scurried down the stairs. "Hey! ow- KNOCK IT OFF! will you stop that- WILL YOU STOP THAT!!!" he yelled as I ran up to him ,carrying the biggest book I owned in there, obviously by madam Lutece, "I'm not here to hurt you" he mumbled."Who are you" I asked, ready to hit him, "My name is DeWitt ,i'm a friend, i've come to get you out of here" he quickly explained. Placing his hand on my shoulder. "Get away!" I said as I threw his hand from my shoulder and tried to hit him even harder with that book, but his enormous hand held mine stopping me. "Are you real?" I soon said trying to touch the rough surface of his face "I'm real enough" he told me ,when all of a sudden a golden statue of the "the prophet" started to ring and to call-. Before I finish this I must inform you that I was always protected and kept safe by ,a giant, mechanical bird I called songbird. As a child he was my everything my friend, my parent, I loved him ,until I got older then I hated him because he was just keeping me there ,he was my warden. Any way the statue started to call him "He's coming! y-you've got to go" I intended as I pushed him back trying to hide him "why". "You don't want to be here when he gets here-JUST A MINUTE, I'M GETTING DRESSED!" I switched off to the bird ,while searching for somewhere to stash Mr.DeWitt. "I can get you out of here"."There's no way out, trust me, i've looked -STOP IT, YOUR TOO IMPATIENT, THAT'S ENOUGH!" I yelled until he pulled out a key and asked "W-what about this?". "WHAT ABOUT IT?" "This is the way OUT isn't it?" he stated gesturing me to use it "WHAT ARE YOU-". Before finishing i quickly thought about what was going on and what I saying "Give it to me!" I said as I quickly grabbed the key from him and twirled it in my little hand. As soon as possible I ran straight to the door and entered the key in the hole and backed up. I felt nothing but astonishment the moment that door swung open, anxious to see the "real world" I squeezed through the crack of the door before it fully opened. Before Mr. DeWitt even made it down one step I was already at the bottom of first case saying "Come on, this way!" "It's job to keep me locked up in here!" I said as I evaded all the falling rubble of the tower. "Who are you? Why did you come here?" I asked before a huge pile of debris fell right before my eyes and had snagged the bottom of my skirt and made a small piece really loose. "This way, come on!" I said cutting corners as ran through that place, "Wait!" Mr. DeWitt yelled as he fell to the floor ,letting us know he wanted Mr. DeWitt dead, songbird scratched three large lines in the tower ,destroying it. "Hurry!" I yelled running ahead of Mr. DeWitt, until a large shake knocked me to my knees, getting back up I knew I HAD to make it out of there. I then ran into a room with a strange button on the wall "Call the elevator!" He demanded "What?" "The hell is that thing-PRESS THE BUTTON!" indulged with fear I pressed the button then noticed my surroundings. I then touched a one-way mirror showing every inch of my bedroom and another to my study "What is all this?They were watching me? All this time... Why?" I asked removing both hands from the glass "Why did they put in here? What am I? WHAT AM I? I asked turning to Mr. DeWitt for an answer. "Your the girl who's getting out of this tower" he said before songbirds enormous fist punched the elevator doors forward ,and poked his giant head through the doors. Scared to death, I curled up clutching the wall making sure he didn't get me ,gladly the elevator came and pushed him down. "This way!" Mr. DeWitt said as he ran down a pile of debris that lead to some stairs "We have to keep moving, he's tearing the building apart!" I informed him "Be careful, Elizabeth!" "How do you know my name?" "Not now" he grunted as I passed him up. At the top floor I saw a huge metal door with a turning wheel ,I tried to pry it open but it was just so heavy, so I just stepped away letting Mr. Dewitt have a crack at it. "Out of the way ,let me try" he said swinging it open with one try, he managed to open enough space for me to squeeze through "which way?! I asked as I felt the heavy winds of the outside "Up!" he yelled as he pushed his way through the door. By the time Mr. DeWitt even got out there, I was already at the top of the tower I could see songbird's racing ,black shadow, and hear his treacherous screams. When all of a sudden the top of the tower tilted, and knocked the both of us off of our feet and in to the air. Waving both both hands out of control, Mr. DeWitt held out his hand as if he had a valid plan in less than a second I held on as tight as I could when all of a sudden he pulled out a sky-hook ,I read about it in a book once. Then he grappled on a near by sky-line,a device used to transport you to far distants instantly, now I was definitly determined to hold on and not slip.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2015 ⏰

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