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He's her moon
Brings light to her darkness life
He's also her star
That sends flicker to her night.

She thought
she could be his sun
Brought brightness
on her dear man
Then, it turns out
she's nothing
But just a shadow
on his bidding.

As she stared above,
She wished for love...
Love from people
she can't have
Now thought there's no way
she'll hold it on her bare hand.

Right now she's in storm
Walking along with mourn
No one's there to lift her dying soul
Coz he also left without any call.

Please guide her on a war
War she's battling
Throughout the years.

Moon,Star, Sun
Let her feel the trigger of a gun
Or might as well
lead her not to drown.

Don't let her break her bone
Bring her to a place...
A place where there's no lone.

Sun let her borrow your light
So she can bright
Her dark moon.
Star keep on sparkling
So she'll find liveness
along the dawn.

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