Chapter 14: our discovery

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Devil Arthur: you- you time skipped wae?

Angel Lance: Arthur I time skipped because all I want is equality isn't that right a/n?

A/n: why are you putting me in this fight? And yes equality of of my coach's non possession. Now go back its lance's story right? let's get back to it shall we?

Devil Arthur and Angel Lance: WE SHALL!

(>>time skip>>😝😝😑)

Fred and his sister tried befriending the umbridge's but...the five wouldn't agree so they just chose to mock them instead and blackmail them but they don't have anything to blackmail them with so they just spread fake news but no one would believe them for everyone says that are nice even they don't show it much it's been like this since last month. And yes it's already been 1 month since I've tasted Rachel's wonderful, heavenly pancakes!

"Hey Lance and oh! Rachel and Anna... Have you move on sorry about that bet though." Harry apologized to Anna "oh please all that was fake love of course I have moved on I mean it's easy if you do not love someone fully it's easy to move on if you don't love that person at all." She said very wisely I smiled at her. "Yah can we go home now? I would love to see my lover right now!" We looked at her confusingly.

"Her lover is the bed arraso?" We looked back and we saw Taehyung and Jason walking towards us. Of course she loves her bed so much one day she slept for one day straight. Then I heard Rachel's phone rang and she answered it and she went out for a while. Then when she came back "unnies oppa and Jason emergency we need to go now Lance, Harry don't follow us please. Let's go!" We saw in Rachel's face the fear and I think they know what it means.

They ran off and then "Lance let's see I'm so curious on what it is." Harry said and I agreed because while I am so curios right now I can't even think straight. We ran to where they were headed they didn't noticed us because they were in a hurry. Then we saw a very familiar house.

They entered it with hurry while us we quietly entered Anna and her brother, Jacob is with them I think they also know what's going on. They entered one room we took a peek and saw them facing... Our friends. "Bitch what's the matter with you? You can have anything you want if you're in our group and you and me, Rachel we have a lot in common we are both leaders of our group. We are both presidents of our class." Aliyah said with an eyebrow raised.

"You bitchy whore we have a lot of differences for example you have a brother that is what's the word?... A hoe and we have a lot connections unlike you. And we don't like hurting people and we are not bitches we are also not plastics." Rachel said I can't see her face but I know her voice. Then it became cold like winter inside. "I hope you like this coldness that I made." Joyce's voice popped up 'she made the coldness? So... SHE HAS POWERS?!' I looked at Harry with confusion he also looked at me with the same expression and we both looked again at the scene.

"I can sense there are other life forms in here... Lance and Harry might as well come in." We were shocked and we shyly came in and they were shook except for Aliyah's group. "Enjoy yourselves in this coldness of mine...cause all of you are staying here forever and you two are kicked out from this group." And then they left the room.

Angel Lance: should we create another chapter or stay here Arthur?

Devil Arthur: I don't know a/n what do you think?

A/n: for fucks sake you two. It's for you to decide not me!

Angel Lance and devil Arthur: then stay here it is!

A/n: shin se gi's.

"Hyungs why'd you follow us?" Jason asked us we looked slowly at them they were so mad they didn't even care about the cold anymore. "We were curious sorry about our curiousness." We apologize to them and I heard Samantha sighed and Ella said "don't follow us again and this world is not what you think it's not normal."  We looked at her confusingly "certain people are chosen to have powers they are called as the elementals guess you are now part of this war since you already know about the existence of magic." Samantha said and she looked at Taehyung.

"We are one of he elementals we have leaders each elemental but I'm not sure if Rachel, me or Jason is one we haven't had our powers yet but we have birthmarks. But I'm sure you two have you guys have birthmarks." Taehyung said and yet he is still smiling at us warmly even we did something wrong... But we do have birthmarks I have one at my left leg a flame and Harry has one too light blue lines in fact. "There are 8 elements water, earth, fire, air, ice, light, electricity and life... Life elementals come only 100 years and only one lucky somebody gets it and that's Anna's brother." Rachel said.

Jacob showed a birthmark that looks like a plant with the color gold and green mixed together. "Lance think of fire try it think of warmness." Anna said I did what she said then the room suddenly just became warm when I opened my eyes there was a small flame at the center of the room. "OMG I HAVE POWERS I AM THE COOLEST!" I shouted and my hands are at the air and I was dancing. "ANNA PUT OUT THE FIRE! Before it spreads!" Rachel exclaimed then Anna with her powers just puts out the flame I made.

I frowned and they all laughed "Harry try thinking air try it." Jacob said and Harry closed his eyes and he floated into thin air when he opened his eyes he was surprised and smiled "I AM INVINCIBLE BITCHES I CAN FLY!" I rolled my eyes and heated his butt so when it becomes hot enough he'll lose concentration "OWWW!" He fell and slammed at the ground and he glared at me. Then Rachel, Jason and Taehyung fainted my heart is beating fast because my closest. I Hope when they wake up they will be ok.

(Time skip>> after 1 hour)

"Lance wake up!" I was awakened by Harry constantly shaking me "wha-what happened?" I asked while struggling opening my eyes "yah! They're awake they didn't faint they just love sleeping." Harry said and I saw the scene in front of me. They are still trying to wake up Rachel. So what I did is I heated Rachel's place to 100 Fahrenheit but she doesn't seem affected much at all so I added a little lava and still... Nothing!

"Nice try Lance but ice beats fire or lava bitch." She said slowly in a sleepy way. "Fine I can't take it anymore!" I exclaimed and went closer to Rachel and pinched her and she instantly woke up and slapped me "you bitchy hella of a hoe!" She is at her mad state right now "YOU BETTER LISTEN OR ILL KILL YOU, YOU SEE IF THE PERSON IS DOING NOTHING AND JUST SLEEPING YOU BETTER RESPECT THAT! FOR THAT PERSON IS WORKING HARD FOR PEOPLE WHO NEEDS HELP..." I was looking down at the floor we've been here at this room for 1 hour without being fed looks like we have to die here too.

"But fine I think I have a way to get us out of this horrid room...quick make Anna mad." Rachel said until Anna was really mad her face is as red as a tomato and outside there was lightning and rain "Ella there's electricity teleport us out of here." Ella followed her orders and teleported us out of the room and we are now at MY room. "Holy shiteu my heart is... My heart is... Oh my god!" I said well it's the best way to explain the feels.

Angel Lance and devil Arthur: true so true narrator Lance.

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