chapter 6

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So sorry guys for the late update been busy with school
So here's the chapter👇

I woke up, i could smell moms pancakes and my stomach growled i decided to go down while taking my shower i thought about the beast, i needed answers then it hit me i needed to find maylen i could walk round town till i find her i jumped out of the bathroom put on a denim jean a tank top and threw a jacket on put on a sandal and walked out my room

I walked into the kitchen mom was making pancakes and scrabbled eggs,i grabbed a glass of water i wanted to speak but i couldn't find the right words
" morning hungry" she asked while trying to flip the pancake
"Morning mom...yeah i am"
"Hold on" suddenly Steve walked in
"Morning mom" he said while he pecked her on the cheek. I really wanted to talk to him but i had no idea what to say so i just watched him and mom chat and hurt that steve didn't even glance at me so i grabbed a pancake and ran out the door

While walking out i saw him he was watering the plant like there was need to water it cause it was already dead, i walked up to him

"Hey" i said giving him a wave he stared at me for a while then he smiled
" you holding up"
"Oh pretty good....thanks for last night"
"It was no problem"
"Um...Karen" i said holding out a hand to him he stared at it for a while
"Allen"he said taking my hand God was it soft
"So're watering the plant don't you think it already dead" way to go Karen you just drew the penalty card
"Yeah but i have hope who knows it might just pop back up you never can tell" we both laughed
"I have to go...we'll see each other later" i said stepping back
"Yeah i hope so"
"Bye" i said running off then i heard him call back

I got to the market it was a little bit crowded "great how was i meant to find maylen now" i muttered to my self   while i was still looking around something caught my eyes "our dead girls grave yard" i read i walked into it and "woa!!" There were lots stones, how many girls had this town lost i thought to my self  i stopped at a particular stone it read *AMBER HART 1999-2018* i placed my hand on the stone and suddenly i wasn't in the graveyard anymore i was somewhere else it was dark and creepy then i heard a sudden scream i followed it and saw a girl she was being dragged by the beast she was crying trying to grab onto things but to no avail my eyes widened "no let her go please!!!" i screamed i didn't know while i did so i knew this wasn't real,the beast picked her up took her by the head and ripped it off i screamed the head fell at my feet and said "save the others" i screamed and suddenly i found my self back at the graveyard "what the heck just happened" i said to myself i was breathing really fast.

Andddd done please punch the vote button and comment
I know the story isn't much but it my first book so am just trying my best
so please bare with me❤

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