Chapter 1

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"Excuse me, but who are you" A man with red-brown curly locks asked me. I smiled as the others stopped their cheering. "My name is Alexandria, but I go by Alex. You must be Edward Cullen" I said. "oh my god! Ali?!" I heard a voice almost screech. I turned to look at my older sister Bella. "That's my name don't wear it out fang face" I said. I heard some growls. "Stop joking wolf girl" she told me and my hands started trembling. "Will you stop calling me that! Just because I'm your little sister doesn't mean you can pick on me!" I yelled to her. "Sorry I have a horrible temper. I came to ask my brother if I can join the pack" I said looking at a black wolf.

It looked at me then walked over and laid its head on my shoulder. "Sam!" I laughed and noticed a wolf starring at me. It had chocolate brown fur and eyes to match. I suddenly felt a pull to the wolf. As if it was the only thing that mattered in my life. crap! I screamed in my head. Edward laughed at me. "GET OUT OF MY HEAD BLOOD SUCKER!" I screamed at him and exploded into a red and orange wolf. I growled at him and the chocolate wolf pushed me back, all the while I heard a soothing voice in my head say Alex, calm down. Its going to be okay. I let the wolf push me out of the clearing and then looked into his eyes. My names Paul. He told me as we looked into each others eyes. I'm Alexandria, but you can call me Alex I told him.

eww get a room! a guys voice yelled. shut up Seth Paul said. I smiled as Paul lowered his head embarrassed. It was so cute and I couldn't help but lick his cheek so he would lift his head. You two are so cute! I heard a girls voice say. Oh my god Leah! Paul whined. Its fine Paul. I said and he licked my cheek. I smiled and he coughed a chuckle. Let me go phase real quick I told him and he nodded. I ran into the trees and phased back pulling on my cut off jeans and my black belly shirt. I walked out and saw a muscular boy with a russet tan and black hair. He had brown eyes just like my wolf. My red bangs fell over my right eye. "Paul?" I asked as I brushed them out of my eye. He smiled at me. "Alex" he said, it wasn't a question it was a statement. I laughed and ran over to him and threw my arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist and spun around with my legs around his waist. We were laughing and he tripped and I landed on my back and he landed on me. My legs had fallen on the ground when we landed so I put one of my legs around his waist. His face started inching towards mine. I felt my heart skip a beat as I figured out what he was doing. I blushed a little as his lips brushed mine. He started softly kissing me with his soft lips. He gently licked my bottom lip asking for entrance and I automatically allowed it. He roamed my mouth and I thought of a great plan. I bit his bottom lip and earned a grunt from him. He pulled away for air and looked into my eyes. I smiled at him and he smiled back. "we can finish this tonight at my place" he whispered earning a giggle from me.

He got up and helped me up. We walked with his arm around my waist. We walked to the clearing and Sam growled at Paul when he saw his arm. "Sam leave my imprint alone" I said and he looked surprised at me. Paul and I laughed at his face and Seth coughed a Wolfy chuckle. We walked away after a while of talking to the others. We walked for a while in a comfortable silence until he asked if I wanted to play 20 questions. I agreed. We played until he asked me a lot of stuff until his last two turns that were funny and stuck out like a thorn between two roses.

"Favorite color"

"Black or grey. Favorite food"

"Everything except for Brussels sprouts and colly flower. Favorite person"

"Well I know that we've only known each other for only a short time but, I think its you" I said and he smiled. I couldn't help but smile and then a small two story house came into view.

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