hoseok_happy new year?

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You were so excited, you've been in a relationship with hoseok since 2 years, you never took it to the next step since you weren't ready and he accepted to wait for you.

So, you decided to surprise him on the new year, you invited him to dinner at your house, and to have you as the dessert ;)

The food was ready, every dish hoseok loved was on the table, slow songs were playing in the background, the bedroom is decorated with red roses and dimmed light, so romantic, the last thing you checked was the condoms and lube in the bedside table...what? Safety first!

You made sure everything was perfect -including you- hen you sat on the couch waiting for your love

*One hour later*

Hoseok was supposed to be here at 8 o'clock but it's already 8:30 and he isn't here yet, you were going to text him but decided to call him instead since he was driving.

You dialed his number and waited for him to pick up.

After two rings you heard his voice "yes love?"

You:"hey baby, just checking if you're alright. Did something bad happen?"

Hobi:"no hun, and I'm so sorry baby, the traffic jam is very...jammed?"

You laughed at his silliness :"it's okay baby, just drive carefully, I have a surprise for you"

Hobi"I know you do, don't worry about me honey I'm a professional driver"

You:"I doubt that"

He chuckled:"I love yo-"

Suddenly his voice was cut by a loud crush and the line went off.

You:"hobi? Baby? Please answer me? Hello?"

You realised what has happened but you couldn't believe it...

"did he get in a car accident?"

No no that's not possible he's a good driver...

"But not everyone is a good driver, maybe someone crashed into him from the side?"

No no that's not possible either maybe the reception was too weak in his place....

You tried calming yourself but it didn't work, your brain was making every single bad conclusion just to torture you.

You couldn't wait any longer and just took your keys and drive to his house's direction hoping you'll find him still stuck in the traffic.

*Five minutes later*

He was right the traffic really sucks.

Your nerves were wrecked and worry drove you crazy so you immediately left your car on the side and continued your way walking, almost running.

Suddenly you saw something, you saw some flames and people gathering around it.

You tried to ignore it but something clicked in your mind "what if hoseok's car was on fire?"

You freaked out internally but still made your way through the crowd hoping you were wrong.

When you reached the front you were met with what you feared the most, it was indeed hoseok's car burning, and two men were dragging him out.

You couldn't even manage to stand up straight so you leaned on the burning car with your hand, surprisingly you felt nothing, except thousands of knives tearing your heart and crashing it.

Your eyes were blurred because of your tears but you still managed to see his horrible state, his clothes were torn, his hands were covered in black dust, one of his feet was missing, and finally...you could see only flesh on his face, no skin.

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