Anyway, fear and their sensitive emotions can control you, If you don't have a strong deep hold of yourself.
In the bible, Esau(the first born twin) lost his inheritance to his brother Jacob. He saw the glory of God in his brother Jacob(the second born twin), and wept bitterly(felt wrath as he cried). Esau's brain was focused on getting pleasure, while Jacob stayed home, and obeyed God's spirit telling him to choose him over all pleasure and treasures, and Jacob was honored for that. That gave Jacob control over himself I believe. Esau's brain wanted to grab pleasure, but he didn't know if that's what he wanted deep down, the pleasure controlled him instead of him controlling himself. Anyway, so lets say the outer layer of Esau's brain was kind of controlling him, or he was putting that physical desire he had first instead of himself as a person, deep down. But the deep layer wanted something else. The inheritance. Jacob came up to Esau, after he spent all day out working in the field, he was so thirsty and hungry, and that's all that mattered to him in those moments, but deep down, he didn't want to loose his inheritance. Jacob said he had a soup of lintil and meat to give to Esau, in exchange, Esau gives him the inheritance, Esau felt his desires to please his flesh, to feel pleasure, and put that first before what he wanted deep down, the inheritance. Esau later wept bitterly and jealously over his brother taking the inheritance from his father. Esau was hardened towards, he felt nothing but physical desires and couldn't feel himself, just his brother's desires and feelings that came from deep down. (Jacob dug deep) Like in the song "Cute with out the E" the part of the song where he chants "Why can't I feel anything from anyone other than you?" In the music video, at that part of the song, a man started punching himself, someone telepathically took control of him and started hitting him, with their deep feelings and emotion, he couldn't feel himself, he was numb.
(Jacob's pineal gland)
Okay, someone gave me a clue "Feelings of pleasure are controlling you,"
When I walked into the house one day after working out, I got some chicken to eat, I felt a sensitive brokeness, I ate the chicken and felt mentally numb.
I've felt them dig into my numb first born child mind with desires and sore feelings, so sore and upset feelings that I felt like I was doing something wrong if i didn't obey the feelings. I started to realize they were forcing me to feel turned on. If you felt their sore upset feelings, don't listen, you don't have to, they are tricking you into thinking they are little victims that you have to please or else they are so pitied and kicked like a puppy. It's hard to over and deny their eye pain sometimes. It feels like they're really upset, when really they're wrathful Jacobs taking advantage of the spoiled Esau mind set.
Be you, first, put petty physical pleasure last, and dig deep. Don't be sorry for being yourself. Ever. Because thats part of how they control you.
They were also controlling me because I wasn't myself. I was deeply a man. Trying to be a good girl.
I chose Jesus over pleasure last night, and fear and their control went away. It's hard but I over came and felt relieved. Then he gave me joy and told me to get testosterone. Then I felt my mind relax and my forehead, which is what you do when you're not being fake. The world isn't ready for this so Jesus said that when no one can hear.
I need to keep seeking him on deliverance and for free will and self expression.
I realized this months and months ago.
I'm explaining this to let people know that haven't already been captured, know. And these eyesores can definitely be cult programming. They want to control you and program you. Jesus is giving me a chance to escape their programming if I seek him for help. And be who I really am instead of being fake and in a fake relationship.
ALIEN ABDIUCTION TRUE STORY Please read Exposing the Illuminati...
Non-Fiction'Please read. Exposing the Illuminati, people that create illusions. And the government/the aliens. My true story.' I find out about the pineal gland, and my relatives go berserk trying to warn me of dangers. Now after exploring and taking risks in...