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"Hi, Pop-Pop!" Lori greeted, a fake smile stretched across her face.

"Hey, kiddo, how are ya?" He beamed happily, pulling her into a hug. "Myrtle's just dropped me off, but she's coming, she has a surprise for you all."

He let go of her and looked around. "Where are the others?" He questioned. 

Just then, Leni, Luan, Lucy, and the twins slowly walked down the steps, awkward grins on each of their faces. "Hey, kids!" He exclaimed, opening his arms. "Where are Luan and Lincoln?"

"Uh...they...they're..." Luan trailed off, looking out he window to see Lynn Sr. and Luna walking to the door, the latter's head down in shame. 

"They're outside," Lana blurted out as the front door opened.

"Uh, h-hi, Albert," Lynn Sr. squeaked after a moment's silence. Luna sniffled.

"What's wrong, Luna?" Albert asked, patting the rockstar's back. 


Before she could finish, she burst into tears and, shoving past her sisters, ran into her room. Lucy and Lana actually growled and tried to chase her, but Lori and Luan held them back. 

"Boy, puberty, am I right?" Albert joked, making Lynn Sr. laugh uncomfortably. 

"Well...Albert, could you sit down for this?" He began, sighing heavily. 

Once Albert was sitting down, Lynn and the girls explained exactly what happened. As the story went on, Albert looked shocked, but when it was finished, he laughed. 

"This is a joke, isn't it? Lincoln, come here!" 

He searched the house for the white-haired boy. Once he went into Lincoln's room and found it deserted, it finally hit him. 

"You... you allowed this to happen?" He snapped furiously, shoving a finger into Lynn's face. 

"Albert, we weren't exactly home at the time, so we couldn't preve-"

"So?!" Albert snapped. "You know what, Lynn? You're a sorry excuse for a man, an even sorrier excuse for a father, and I regret letting you marry my daughter!" With that, he stormed off, slamming the door behind him. 

Luna's muffled wails grew louder.











"Burpin' Burger, how may I help ya?" 

"Hello, can I have 8 of your Big Burper combos, and 5 of your Little Burper combos, please?" The hospital van driver ordered. "Is that it, Mrs. Loud?" 

"Yes, Harry, thank you," she smiled, presenting her credit card.

Once she had received her food, Rita and the sleeping Lincoln were driven back home, where nosy neighbors came to snoop.

"Hey, Loud!" Mr. Grouse called, jogging over to meet them. 

Rita rolled her eyes inwardly, but on the outside, she smiled. "Yes, Mr. Grouse?" 

"You know...my daughter used to have cerebral palsy. She needed a wheelchair," he confessed. "I always wanted to donate it to charity, but I could never bring myself to do it. I never knew why until now."

He looked down, cleared his throat, and nodded towards his porch. "I'll clean it and have it over by 9 o' clock tonight."

"Mr. Grouse, I..." Rita had tears building up in her eyes. "I don't know what to say."

"'I love you', and say it to your son," Mr. Grouse grumbled. He seemingly caught his rude tone and fixed it with a smile. "Lord knows I wish I did to my daughter."

Then, with a wave, he left.

One of the hospital staff carried the still-sleeping Lincoln to his bedroom, while the other brought the wheelchair inside.

"Thank you both so much," Rita repeated as they left.

"Miss, your gratitude and that tip are thanks enough," one of them smiled as they left. 

"Kids! Dinner!" Rita whisper-yelled, not wanting to wake Lincoln.  

They all thundered down the steps, a few of them mumbling half-hearted greetings, took their food, and left. 

Lynn Sr. was snoring when Rita went to her bedroom. Even though she was exhausted, she decided to see if Mr. Grouse would bring his daughter's wheelchair.

Right when she was about to start snoring herself, the doorbell rang. She answered it, and saw Mr. Grouse, red-eyed, holding the handles to a shiny, beautiful wheelchair. 

He brought it inside, and-surprisingly-chatted with him for nearly three hours, Mr. Grouse talking about his daughter-Rosalie-and how kind and adventerous she was.

"She would've loved Lincoln, y'know. Lincoln, Lana, and that girl Luan. She loved jokes and mud," he recalled fondly, setting his coffee mug on the table. Rita smiled and hummed, taking a sip of her own drink.

 When it was almost midnight, and the two had both laughed and cried a fair amount, he decided to leave.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Grouse. I'll make sure that Lynn gets you those lasagnas," she told him as he walked out. 

"No problem. Rosalie would've loved some. She used to love lasagna," he laughed.

"Mr. Grouse, how is your daughter now?" 

He turned to look at her, smiling sadly.

"Used to. I used to have a daughter."

With that, he left.

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