Wow Okay...

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Authors notes!!! I've always wanted to do one of theses that had like noting to do with the story. so I'ma do it right now. I hope you guys are having a good day!

Also, don't you just love watching the number of people who read this go down? Me too.


TO Hunty Bear: /She's my cousin\

Sebastian dares to type to hunter during there shared 3 period.

Hunter looks over to him. Their eyes meet.

TO Seductive Seb: /I don't believe you\

TO Hunty Bear: /But it's true\

TO Seductive Seb: /Seb pay attention to the teacher\

TO Hunty Bear: /But we need to talk\

Hunter then sets his phone face down on the table and continued to take notes.

Sebastian sighs in frustration. This isn't working.


It was now lunch time and Hunter has succeeded at avoiding Sebastian. He couldn't find Hunter in the lunch room, in their dorm, or with his friends. Frustrated, Sebastian pulls out his phone.

On the 5th ring he got an answer.

"Hey Seb-"

"Where are you?"

Hunter rolls his eyes, "I'm talking to a teacher right now. Can I call you-"

"What teacher?" Once again rudely interrupted. Sebastian did a complete 180 to start walking toward the classroom areas. 'Maybe he was with his math teacher...'

"A teacher Sebastian. I'll call you la-"

"But we need to talk now."

"Stop cutting me off."

There was silence from both teens. Even the teacher had to look over to Hunter. Wonder and worry in her eyes.

"I am telling you that I am talking with a teacher and that I will be available in a while. That means, sweetheart, that you are going to have to wait with whatever problem you have until I am free. So, Sebastian, what are you supposed to say?"

Hunter was met by silence. He cleared his voice and that got him a response.

"Call me when your free," Sebastian hung up. "Fucking bullshit," he mumbles.

"Is everything okay, Hunter?" Mrs. Wiggleman asks politely.

"Yes. It's just Sebastian and his 'little moods'." The teacher nods understanding one of Sebastian 'little' tantrums.


It was 2:15pm and Sebastian and Hunter met in the choir room early.

"Are we talking now?" Sebastian asks trying his best not to be rude.

"Yes." Hunter says. They sat on the leather couches facing each other. One on different sides. why all of this space? It's like a mile between one another mentally and physically. Too easy to separate...

"I know you don't believe me, but I'm serious when I say that she was my cousin." Hunter sighs in annoyance and disagreement. "Hunter I'm serious. She's my cousin, we just do weird things together."

"You don't do that with a cousin."

"Ok the naked part is really hard to explain. She had spilled water all over herself so she stripped. While I was getting her some clothes I tripped and fell right between her legs. And then you walked in."

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