How it really went down

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Bruh. No one was going to tell me I didn't name the last chapter.

After an hour of assuring his friends that he's ok, Sebastian sat in his room alone. Well not his, Niff's but still.

"Fuck it." Sebastian said to no one in particular... unless you'd count the fucking blankets as a person. But we already established that blankets aren't people.

Sebastian was planning on going out. He was going to get drunk. It's been such a long ass time since liquor has passed through his cherry red lips. Hunter and his whole 'no drinking' shit. Man fuck Hunter! That fucking bitch wouldn't even let him fuck other people. As if he cared about Sebastian? He won't even believe him.

So, Sebastian was going to dance. Dance like he was going to die. And maybe he will, who knows. Sebastian got dressed into the most provocative outfit he could put together. And then in a 'I don't give a fuck attitude he grabbed his keys and opened the door leading out of the Niff dorm. However before he could step a foot out the door he was stopped. By Jeff.

Yes Jeff, the tiny ass blonde Jeff. The one with the cute dimples and the world's most adoring boyfriend, Jeff. And that same Jeff blocked his pathway out of the room.

A single word as if he had any authority over the broken hearted teen. "No"

"What?" eyebrow lifted.

Jeff backs Sebastian back into the room with soft hand upon the other chest. "You can not leave"

"And why the fuck not?"

Jeff didn't say anything. Oh that fucking blonde. "Jeff!?" still nothing.


It has been a while of Sebastian being trapped in the Niff dorm room. Sebastian was wondering if he'd be okay if he jumped out the window. However they were on the second floor so jumping out was out of the picture.

There was a knock on the door and Blaine peeked his head through. He then walked all the way and Kurt walked in. Sebastian had to stop himself from rolling his eyes. Following Kurt was Nick Santana and...

"What the fuck is this bullshit?" Seb asks to Jeff in complete annoyance.

"Is this a joke Nick?" Hunter spoke.

"Even when they aren't together they are still annoying" Kurt says to no one in particular. But santana joins in.

"So annoying it's like they are still a pair"

"Fuck off clown face" Seb retorts. The insult was obviously for Kurt. Sebastian wouldn't dare call Santana a clown face.

"Alright, everyone just chill. We have a perfectly good reason for this. Just wait." Blaine spoke trying to keep the fighting to a zero. Hunter tried leaving however Nick joined his boyfriend at the door keeping Hunter and Sebastian from leaving.

It got silent. Like awkward silent. So almost every teen in the room quickly got lost into their phones. Because staring at one another wasn't an option.

Luckily there was a knock and Brittany walks in.

With a cherry voice she says "I'm here" and behind her entered Sebs cousin.


"Sebby!!!" she squeals. She runs over and engulfs Sebastian into a hug. A non family like hug. It was a weird hug...

"Oh come on, that is not a family hug. Sebastian you are bullshit" Hunter says. He walked toward the door to leave because Sebastian is a little whore who loves to lie his way out of situations when another woman pops in.

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