Breakfast Lunch and Oof

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Sorry for the false update. I think I fixed the comment thing.


It was Monday and Seb wanted food.
He had spent the entire weekend with Hunter. It was a fun weekend, one can say.

Sebastian was heading toward the dinning hall to get his breakfast and was planning on taking it back to the dorm room because he didn't want to be bothered with social interaction so early in the morning.

Of course that did not happen. He was blocked by the blonde dimwit and her Latina girlfriend.

"Come to Seb-nap me again" Sebastian says eyebrow raised in questioning.

"No." Brittany answers. She pushes him against the wall. Sebastian about to shove back was stopped by the glare of Santana behind the blonde. Brittany reaches up and inspects Sebs face. There was a small bruise placed upon his cheek bone. "Santana Lopez" Brittany scolds right into Sebastian's ear. "You've bruise his perfect little face"

"Yeah and he disrespected you so I say we are even"

"That's not an acceptable excuse. Apologize"

"Absolutely not" Santana crossed her arms. At this point Brittany lost her hold on Sebastian.

"Santana you must apologize for what you did to his face"

Now Sebastian was forgotten by the two and he quickly slipped away from that hot mess.
And right into another mess.

Sebastian came around the corner from the two females "calmly" arguing to run face to face to a teary eyed Blaine. Sebastian happened to catch the other one from bouncing off his chest and into the ground. I guess he couldn't see through the tears???

"Woah. Hey. What's wrong?" Sebastian asked. Because wtf has got this guy crying about?
However Blaine with his snotty nose softly pushed Sebastian away from him.

"N- no" Blaine sniffed and promptly walked around Sebastian and toward the classrooms.

At this point Sebastian might just head back to his room because this morning was being too bizarre for him. As he continued his journey to the food he passed Kurt who gave him the world's ugliest face. Oh yeah... I kissed your boyfriend on Friday.

"It was only a kiss" Sebastian couldn't help himself. Fuck Kurt.

Kurt rolled his eyes and continued on his way to god knows where.

Sebastian did a small chuckle as he and Hummel went their separate ways. He could see the breakfast through the doors. Ah yes. Finally.

"Sebastian!" His name was called. Ugh.
Sebastian turned and saw the blonde kid run toward him. Jeff doesn't run a lot. He loses points in gym because he refuses to run. But at this moment that kid was running.

"Sebastian." Jeff repeats once he's closer. His clothes were a bit jumbled and wrinkly which wasn't like Jeff at all. And let's not talk about his hair! If it wasn't for the multiple hickeys visible to Sebastian's eyes he would have thought someone fucked up his friend.

"Oh wow" is all Sebastian can say with wide eyes. "I can see you've changed your style"
"I ran out of condoms" Jeff says total ignored the others statement.

"Good for you?" Sebastian was confused as to why he needed to know this.

"I need more" Jeff said impatiently.
"Oh!" Sebastian pulled out two from his pocket. Don't ask.

"I need more than that"
"I'm not the condom factor Jeff."
"Yes you are"

"You're so rude when your horny." Sebastian says pulling out his wallet and handing over three more. "That's all I'm giving you"

"Fine" and like that Jeff hurried away.


Lunch has approached and everyone still didn't know if #huntbastian was back or not. Or if Seb was going to join the choir. The table was filled with borderline awkwardness. It was almost unbearable. Of course neither Sebastian or Hunter gave much thought to it. They had a soft hum as they ate their food.

"Alright," Trent says totally done with the bull shit. " I've had it. You two are to never break or have any disagreement ever again"

Sebastian lifts an eyebrow but doesn't answer. Instead Hunter did. "Why?"

"Look at this table. Nick and Jeff looks like they are about to die and explode with excitement and lust."

"That is always Nick and Jeff" Sebastian points out. Which was true, they always look like they were about to bang on every inch of furniture in the school.

"But you two ruined their perfect amount of tease and fuck that they had. Look at Nick's face. That is the face of depression. These two aren't programmed for chastity" Ok maybe Trent was making a mountain out of a molehill but it didn't mean it wasn't fact.

"Ok whatever. They can fuck whenever. I do not care"

"Santana and Brittany are not on speaking terms." Trent continues.

"It's not my fault that Santana isn't listening to Brittany" Sebastian says.

"She decided to attack Seb, I don't believe that he should be held accountable" Hunter joins.

"What about Blaine and Kurt?"

"It wasn't my fault" Sebastian defends himself fairly quickly.

"Blaine came onto Seb." Hunter added.

"That is 100 percent Blaine's problem. He kissed me. It's not my fault."

Trent takes a sip of his mellow yellow staring at the two as they defend their love. Signing he says "Never break up again"

"What? Are we supposed to get married?" Sebastian jokes laughing.

Trent posted on Warbler Academy page. (Today 12:23pm)
Trent : #huntbastian update! Together again. Back to planning their wedding.


866 Words

Oof this story is about done

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