CHAPTER 6 - Can she get any sweeter?

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We finally get through the doors, me holding Sienna in my arms. Some fans are still asking who she is, but i ignore them and walk on. Once we get in the place they are planning to record the interview, and i sit down, with Sienna on my lap, one of the interviewers look at me.

"I thought you got told not to take her?"

"I couldn't leave her at home."

"You could have got a babysitter"

"Look, I only found out i had her a few days ago, and i'm not just going to leave her and come and go when i please. She is my daughter, i can take her where i like." I was told that if i insisted on bringing her, i must leave her out of the interview and she must sit on chair halfway across the room and stay quiet. I guess i can live with that. The interview starts, and i am moody all the way through. But occasionaly i catch Sienna watching my every move and i make a face at her, watching her smile.

"Louis?" Says the interviewer.

"Sorry" I say, flatly.

"Are you looking forward to the tour?"

"Er, yeah, I am, and i might have a suprize"

The boys all turn and look at me, questoning me. I smile and tap my nose, and carry on through the interview without a word. I plan to take Sienna with me, of course. I know Sienna will want to do it, but will the boys, or management be ready to let a Five year old girl on the tour bus? Eventually the interview ended, and i ran over to Sienna.

"I'm sorry i had to do that sweetie, we can go out tomorrow, okay?"

"It's okay Daddy"

"Do you want me to buy Mcdonalds for Dinner?" I smile.

So we ate our Maccies, and I sat on the floor with Niall and Harry (Liam and Zayn went off with their girlfriends somewhere) playing with Sienna with some Barbie dolls Zayn brought her the other day along with some 'little girly' makeup and nail varnish and stuff. I lay back against the sofa, and i was so tired. I fell asleep almost instantly.


Louis fell asleep at around seven when we were playing with Sienna yesterday. I can't blame him, the poor guy has been stressed out over what the fans think and so on. Me and Niall left him there, and carried on playing. Sienna painted our Nails, enjoying herself, and i must admit looking at her little scrunched up face, with her tounge poking out, she did a good job and was very neat. When Sienna finished my nails, i said thankyou politley and looked at them. They were a blend of lots of different colours, that made up a sparkly pinky brown with bits of yellow and blue here and there. There was a bit of paint on my fingers but i didn't mind. Sienna fell asleep herself about three hours later, and i carried her to bed the way we always do. I tried to wake Louis up to tell him to go to bed, but he stayed put.



I woke up at 7am (again), and realised it was the day of the tour. I had had my suitcase packed for a week or so now, so I creeped across to Sienna's room, Trying to find that little bag she had with her when she came - It wasn't hard, it was next to her bed. I found some of her clothes and sat on the carpet, folding them up inside. And i couldn't help but notice that her hair is different to what it was yesterday. I walked back into my room and found a pair of my old headphones and packed them in too. The bag looked strangley bare, but i zipped it up anyway and stood up, debating whether i should wake her up or not.

I will in a bit.

I went into the kitchen, making her breakfast when Zayn came in all sleepy.

"You're up early" I say to zayn, as he leans on the work surface.

"Yeah, well. I just woke up and heard some noise so i came here" He replied, in his usual slow and steady voice. I made Zayn and myself some breakfast, leaving Zayn to eat his and i take mine and Sienna's into Sienna's room. I set it on the carpet, praying to god i didn't trip over it, then went over to her bed and gently shook her shoulders. She was pretty much already awake, and sat up like she had been sleeping for ever and wasn't tired at all. Mind you, i must have fell asleep last night in the living room so i don't know what time the boys had put her to bed.

"Good Morning Daddy!" She smiles, hugging me. I hug her back, and lay the tray with the breakfast on it on her bed, and squeeze up at the foot of the bed eating my own. She eats a bit of it, then starts talking to me.

"When can we go in the big bus, Daddy?" She asks. She must mean the tour bus, bless her.

"Today!" I say, watching her sweet little face fill with happiness. "We're going on tour! We will get to meet lots of nice people like we did at Daddy's interview."

She smiles, and eats her breakfast, only leaving a tiny little bit, then i take the tray out to the kitchen.


Louis got up to pack Sienna's suitcase and make her breakfast this morning bless him. He's doing such a good job. I was up all night (haha that's a song!) with Sienna. I feel really bad, as she only got an hour or two of sleep, the poor thing. At Midnight, I was still awake on my phone, and packing my bag, since i decided to leave it late, when there was a quiet knock on the door. I went over and opened the door to a small, crying little Sienna. I picked her up and went back in my room, shutting the door. She bueried her face into my tshirt, crying her eyes out.

"What's up, Honey?" I say, hugging her. I didn't really know how to react, but i think i took it pretty well to be honest with you.

"There was a really bad man and he took me away!" She cried, but somehow managing to still look like the prettiest little 5 year old on the planet. "I went to Daddy but he's gone and i don't know where he is!"Poor thing.

"Awh Sienna" I say, "There was no bad man, sweetie! It was just a silly dream. And Daddy's still here! He's in the living room!" I put my hand on the back of her head and stroke it, opening the door and walking to the living room. There was Louis, lay sprawled out on the floor, his chest rising up and down slowly. She turns around and sees, and i sit her down next to him as she hugs him. She kisses him on the forehead and hugs him again.

"Don't go, Daddy" She says "Goodnight" That was so adorable i could have cried. I carried her back to my room and let her help me pack, and we danced about to songs on my ipod on the lowest volume, trying not to wake anyone up. I think we woke someone up though, because i heard someone go across the hall and open a door.

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