
628 26 5
                            's pov:


: hello.

jaejmin: um, who's this?  

ahoeforkumamon: i'm yoongi, aren't you wendy?

  jaejimin: no?..

ahoeforkumamon: hmph, must've gave me the wrong username then  

  jaejimin: oh

ahoeforkumamon: "oh"  

  jaejimin: what?

ahoeforkumamon: that's all you have to say smh 

  jaejimin: yeah, got a problem?  

  ahoeforkumamon: no  

jaejimin: exactly

ahoeforkumamon: yo don't give me attitudes already  

ahoeforkumamon: so, what's your name?  

jaejimin: what are you 67

ahoeforkumamon: no but i'm 69 ;)  

jaejimin: ew get away from me pervert douchebag old man

ahoeforkumamon: i'm obviously joking, idiot, i'm 25.  

jaejimin: ha you wish idiot

ahoeforkumamon: want proof to see who's the actual idiot?


holy shit who is he? a business man?

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holy shit who is he? a business man?

i'm going to nut-

jaejimin: wow

ahoeforkumamon: ?

jaejimin: you're good looking mf

ahoeforkumamon: thanks fag

ahoeforkumamon: jk i'm bi ok

jaejimin: ..okay

ahoeforkumamon: anyways how old are you

jaejimin: you're 2 years older than me, there

ahoeforkumamon: wow you're 23 huhh

jaejimin: duhh, dumbass, can you do simple math?

ahoeforkumamon: i thought you were some 8 yr old texting lmao  

jaejimin: stfu bitch

ahoeforkumamon: ahh, no :)

ahoeforkumamon: you didn't respond in 8 seconds, what's wrong?  

  ! message cannot be delivered  

ahoeforkumamon: oh  

  ! message cannot be delivered  

ahoeforkumamon: fuck you
  ! message cannot be delivered  

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