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jimin hugged me.

"i always wanted to meet you! where have you been?" he smiled.

he's much cuter in reality. ahh, nice earrings! hair color is nice, oh, beautiful eyes!

i hugged him back tightly, smelling his scent.

he smells good, wow. i wonder what perfume he's using..

"soo yoongi i-"

i kept staring off space, he is truly beautiful. is he taken now? oh silly me, don't think of those things! his lover or future lover is really lucky to have an angel like him.

"yoongi? yoongi? snap it off!" he waved around.

"o-oh sorry."

"aww~ you have a little crush on me~" he winked at me, acting like those girls who snitches on you for having a crush.

"stop it, oh my god!"

i hid my face away from him so he couldn't see me blushing a bit. ahh, stop teasing me.

"i'm just kidding hahaaa." he cupped his cheeks, leaning on the table.

well, if only i can tell you. but, isn't it obvious or not? after that, i couldn't tell if i have my chance. yeah, maybe he does have a lover. i would like to meet him or her, if, i'm not jealous? jimin and i turned around seeing wendy yelling. get manners, my god.

"whose latte is this!!?" the waiter yelled.

"i'm sorry it's mine!" jimin yelled and ran to her.

"better get in your own table." wendy scoffed and rolled her eyes.

tch, bitch.

"i'm sorry about that i'm just a lit-"

"it's fine, it's fine jiminie." i put my hand on his without realizing.

i notice him blushing behind his scarf.

his hand was chubby and warm. it's like touching a pile of marshmallows being heat up.


"want to go to my home? i mean let's hang out or something because i'm usually lonely these days! i'm also fun i just need more friends because i'm alone.." he said.

we were silent for a few seconds.


"do you?" he said fastly. then, he jumped a little on his chair.

"oops, i'm sorry for interrupting you, sorry yoons.." he slowly put his hands together and sighed lowly.

i chuckled. he's adorable.

"it's fine and sure! i would love to hang out in your house." i smiled slightly.

"thank you yoongi~"



after a few minutes, we're getting along. we were walking down on the sidewalk, walking to his house. i started making jokes because jokes are my thing. apparently, jimin loves my jokes that i stole from hoseok and seokjin.

"yoongi -ha!- you're so funny!" he said clearly bending over cause he's dying.

"t-thanks?" i said rubbing my neck. i was really flustered by compliments.

"ok-ok, what do you call shit in church?" i said in excitement, waiting for the answer.

"what?" he said curiously.

"holy shit!"

he started to choke. choking on.. air? to be honest, how is that even possible. i've never choked on air. i see that pretty rare, not being stupid though.

oh um.

"yoon -cough- gi -cough-"

i patted his back.

"i-i'm fine heh.."

i put my arm around him, trying to warm him through the walk.



we finally reached his home. it's just a small ordinary single house with nice plants on the front and a nice tree on the left. it's very cute and simple. i glanced at every item on his lawn, admiring.

"so, you don't live alone huh?"

"of course i don't yoongi."

i walked towards the door and opened the door for him. it's pleasing to see his living room and kitchen already. it's very neat and clean, unlike mine.

"ladies fir- i mean um-um."

"that's so cute." jimin said chuckling, walking into the house.

i tried not to smile, but i smiled anyway. who wouldn't?

when i first came in, i took a deep breath and sniffed through the rooms. it was really nice, plants surrounding the corners and placed on the shelves. all doors were closed.

i took a deep breath, "what shall we do?"


jimin blushed. i wonder what's he thinking?

"s-sure." he said shyly.

"wait yoongi."

"hm?" what is it?

"there are 23 letters in the alphabet, r-right?"

"um no jimin, there's 26." he can't be that stupid or he just forgot?

"oh i-i-"

"i must've forgotten i-l-y!!"

jimin was about to get up. i grabbed his wrist and i was sucking onto his lips.

what am i doing? his lips were soft and cold. i locked my hand with his and caressed his neck. he leans onto me, drooling outside. jimin was literally scratching my back while it, but, i don't care. it felt really good.

i stopped and pulled back. there were strings of saliva connecting from our lips.

"i-i love you too jimin.."

"i love you too." he pecked on my lips being shy.

oh yoongi, i was really his future lover i was talking about. now, i am his lover. thank you.

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