The Hufflepuff Floo Network

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I just got sorted in to Hufflepuff. Yes! Not many people like Hufflepuff, but I do. After the feast in the Great Hall is over, our prefect leads us to the common room. We come to a halt at what seems to be a dead end by the kitchens. The end wall covered with a stack of barrels. All of us first years are very confused, so the prefect explains. " In order to open the Hufflepuff common room door, you must tap the middle barrel on the second row to the rythem 'helga Hufflepuff'. Be sure that you get it right, because we are the only house with a defense mechanism against intruders. If you tap the wrong rythem or the wrong barrel, or both, you will be douced in vinegar. Now, who wants to try?" Surprisingly, I am the first and only one to raise my hand. The prefect nods in my direction and I step forward. I get it right on my first try. "Good job!" The prefect exclaims as I earn a small round of applause. We all walk in to the common room and I am absolutely amazed by how warm and cozy it is. The prefect looks at us smugly. "if you think this is amazing, wait till you see what I have to show you next!" They lead us towards the large fireplace on the wall of the common room. Once again, he taps the rythem 'Helga Hufflepuff' on the fireplace and the back of the fireplace behind the hearth opens up. Each one of us first years are speachless. He tells us to crawl through, and that we will not get burned or dirty. We meet our prefect on the other side and they gather us all into a group. "we are now in what we like to call the Hufflepuff floo network. As most of you know, there is only one fireplace in all of Hogwarts that is connected to the floo network, and it is protected in professor Dumbledore's office. We Hufflepuffs wanted to find a way to easily get to any part of our great school quickly and efficiently. We also wanted to be able to sneek to the kitchen and the other common rooms and dorm rooms to have sleepover parties. That is how we came up with this. Every hallway is organized by category; for example, there is the classroom hallway, the Ravenclaw hallway, Hufflepuff hallway, Slytherin hallway and the Gryffindor hallway. In each of these hallways you will find what it is labeled. Go to the classroom hallway and find your classrooms and never be late for class! Want to have a sleepover with a friend in a different house or year? Simply go to their houses hallway and look for what entrance you need. You are able to get to each common room and every single dorm room from the Hufflepuff floo. Every single fireplace in Hogwarts is connected to the hufflefloo, and in some odd cases such as the greenhouses, there is a barrel that will grant you access. Now, you should know that only Hufflepuffs are able to open the network, and that you should be careful about who you bring with you. We don't need the whole school knowing our little secret. Also, this floo network will only bring you to other places inside the Hogwarts grounds. Now, let me lead all of you to your dormitories from the floo." We all follow the prefect in amazement and slight disbelief. We go into the hallway labeled Hufflepuff and are met with about a dozen different circular doors. We are led to the doors that say first year boys and first year girls. We are told to go into the door and find the door with our names on them. I crawl through the barrel like doorway and am met with yet another long hall. Walking slowly, I look for the door that says my name. I stop at the nineth door. I see three names. (Y/N), Susan Bones, Hannah Abbott. As I crawl into the small door into my room for the next year, I can't help but think how amazing this year will be, starting with making some new friends.

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