Chapter 6

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The sounds of someone calling my name caused me to jump. I struggled to my feet and bolted out of the alcove, being met with no one and silence. I stared out across the streets and buildings but not a single person seemed interested in me.

“Britney! Hurry up!”

The call reached my ears once more, coming from along the castle exterior walls. I blinked and headed down, my tail flowing with every step. I sped down the path, scanning the area for who, or what, could have called for me.

I took a quick glance behind, finding that Antoka and Mesora had stayed in the alcove, before rounding a corner. My face bumped into something and, upon turning toward the obstacle, I found Greg. Or at least, what looked like him.

“Muffin?” I squeaked, my heart pounding in my chest.

Standing before me was an exact copy of Greg, yet there was something off about it. A black mist swirled along some of his scars, whether they were visible or not, and he had a pale glow around him. Little dots sparkled around him, giving a snow like appearance.

“Took you long enough!” He snorted, looking me up and down. One hand settled on my waist, sending a spark up my spine, and his other placed itself on my head.

“But you're supposed to be laying down. Come on, I'll take you back to Weiss’,” I removed his hands and tugged on his arm, yet he wouldn't budge.

“Come on now, you know better than to chase after ghosts. They only lead you to trouble,” his words made me freeze. Tears started to well up, my heart felt like it wanted to scream and run away.

“Ghosts?” I echoed, my voice quivering as the realization started to set in. “You were fine 4 days ago. I saw it. You said it would be okay when I didn't want to go with the guy. You remember the guy! You were waiting on the throne for me,” I whimpered, “and then Betty came over.”

“Well, I'm sorry to say darling, but it's my time,” the word darling struck out, his Texan roots showing themselves. He reached over and placed his hand on my cheek, his thumb rubbing underneath my eye.

“No. I refuse to believe this. I swear you're still here! I was just with Weiss a second ago and she would’ve told me!” I smack his hand away, the tears starting to fall. I sniffled and tried to adjust myself, I didn't want anyone to see me like this.

“Oh, don't cry. You know I hate it when you cry, darling. You'll be okay, trust me,” he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug. I fought back the tears and the emotions as best I could and looked up at him.

“You're not real. Greg has never once had to tell me to trust him. Who are you and what have you done to me?” I croaked out, my face stained with evidence of my sadness. I blinked away as much as I could before racing back the way I came, trying to escape from this surreal nightmare.

I tripped over a rock and tumbled, scrambling to my feet and running back to Weiss’ healer hut. I skidded to a halt, ripping the door open, and slipped inside.

“Sorry, but no one is allowed to be in he- Britney? What happened to you?” Weiss headed towards me, placing her gloved hand on my forehead. “Are you feeling alright?”

“I'm fine,” I sniffled, “please tell me he is still alive?”

“What do you mean, “still alive?” Of course he is! I haven't lost a patient yet, and I refuse to lose one now. Especially one so...important to you.”

A hand touched my shoulder and, when I looked at the owner, my heart dropped. The fake Greg stood there, his hand on my shoulder and a failure of a comforting smile on his face. I resisted the urge to scream as I turned back to Weiss.

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