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hey...you doin' good? you're hugging your panda.
something's wrong.am i that bad in terms of studying? my acads?
oh, right. finals are coming.
i feel like i'll blew up my tests.
why? you've been studying since last week. you barely even come here which states i miss you so much.
i miss you too.
everyone in my class are smart. i feel like i'm being left behind. i can't even master the periodic table or the trigonometric identities.
well, yeah, love, you kinda suck at memorizing stuffs.
i hate you. ugh. why did i even came here?
because you miss me? and i'm going to teach you keys and tricks about trigonometry?
you will?!
only if you'd promise me one thing.
what is it?
don't skip your meals! look at you, i haven't seen you for a week and you already lose weight!
i'm not skipping meals. i just eat less.
well, gain weight! i don't want you getting sick because of your merciless studying.
it's not merciless!!
you wake up at six and study 'til two in the morning.
h-how did you know?
i have a camera in your room.. well duh, i have jeongin reporting on duty.
well, can you teach me now?
let's eat first, come on.
written: 10:49pm, 181019

polaroid ¦¦ k.sm
Short Story[] in which seungmin received a box of polaroid films the moment he woke up from the hospital. || lost kids series #1 : written in english status: completed