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and daydreams return me to my original sense of things and i luxuriate in these fervid primary visions until i am entirely my unalloyed self again.

pond, claire-louise bennett

Jihoon's had his job at the library for a little more than eight months, and for about two of those months, he's loved it; the other six have been spent grumbling and trying (failing) to escape the ever-so-persistent Kwon Soonyoung, who works in the conjoined café.

Sure, he makes decent coffee and often brings the librarian free pastries for God knows whatever reason - but that's about the only good the kid can do. Jihoon wants his quiet, reserved life back. He wants nothing to do with the noisy barista. He's made that much clear.

Soonyoung doesn't really know when to give up, though, and Jihoon isn't as resilient as he likes to think he is.

playlist : lemony cheesecake, on spotify // user: conphused

hello ! this was originally supposed to be a massive oneshot, but i started getting antsy around 4k words and really reallyyy wanted to share it so ! i guess i'm making it chaptered now lol

i love writing grouchy jihoon and whipped soonyoung, and i Also love injecting my shitty sense of humor into everything i type, so this is going to be some weird mixture of the three - hopefully it isn't too terrible, and hopefully you guys like it <3

and of course ! feedback means the world to me <33

started : september, 2018

finished : october, 2018

other : ao3 - kwanies

Why Don't We; SoonhoonWhere stories live. Discover now