We're Here

195 13 7

You wake up to the sound of the plane going down as you look to the side you see Terry waking up as well.

Does your hair look bad?

You thought. You start tapping down your flying pieces of hair and begin to tie up your hair.

Terry reached for your hand as he lifted himself up from his resting position. You became crimson red yet again.

"Why are you sorting out your hair? It looks cute when it everywhere," he said.

You smile and add, "Because this is LA I don't want to look stupid."

"You'll never look stupid," he replies as he caresses your cheek.

Before you could say anything the overhead sound system announced that you were at your destination.

You pick up your things and stretch showing a bit of your stomach.

Terry gets his stuff and looks away.

Terry's P.O.V

I looked over at you to see your top getting risen all the way up by stretching and people were staring waiting to see your bra.

I walked over and pulls down your top so you wouldn't show anything else.

We don't know what kind of people are on this plane.

"Thank you," you whispered to me as we made sure we had all our things and walked out of the plane.

One thing I do miss is the sun. In Seoul and England you are lucky to get a bit of sun.

- - -
(Y/N) P.O.V

You walked out of the airport as Terry was carrying all your stuff even though you insisted on carrying them.

What a gentleman.

You saw a dog that looked like Max in the distance with a Korean girl with medium black hair.

Boyoung? Max?

You thought to yourself.

Terry looked at you and said, "let's go over to Boyoung and Max."

You got it right.

You walked over to them and you cannot believe your eyes.

"(Y/N)!" Boyoung shouts as she runs towards you with Max running behind her.

How does she know you?

"H-hi Boyoung," you stuttered. You were so nervous because you have only seen them over the screen.

"So this is the person I have heard about countless times," she annonced.

What could she mean by that?

"You look a lot prettier in person," you said to Boyoung.

Because it's the truth. She looked amazing on screen but gosh she knows how to put on just the right amount of makeup but not too much.

Boyoung looked down then said, "Awww thank you. This is why Terry likes you so mu.."

Terry runs over as she is in the middle of her sentence and puts his hand around Boyoung's mouth.

"Nothing," Terry said with a smile.

"Let's go," he added.

- - - - -
Thank you for reading this chapter. Hope you like it.

Do you ship Boyoung and Terry? I do kind of.


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