Chapter Four: A Small Confession

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A few hours later, at about 5:00 pm, you were woken up by Patton gently shaking your arm.

"Y/n! Wake up!" The cheerful male whisper-shouted.l as he continued to shake your arm.

"I'm awake! I'm awake!" You said with a giggle, smiling at Patton.

"Come eat!" Patton said with a smile as he picked you up and took out out of bed. You squealed a bit and giggled softly.

"Patton! Be careful!" You and Patton heard from the doorway. You turned to the door and saw Logan standing there, holding a cup of coffee.

You smiled softly and managed to safely get out of Patton's arms.

"Hi, Logybear!" You greet, running past Logan and heading downstairs. Once you reached the second to last step, you jumped of and landed on your feet before falling to your knees, giggling childishly.

"Be carful, Y/n! Please don't hurt yourself!" You heard Thomas say as he finished setting the table. There were enough plates for everyone ((and somehow enough room on the table)) and lots of food in the centre.

You gasped quietly at the sight of all of that food, before remembering something.

"A-Am I allowed to eat this..?" You asked quietly, looking at Thomas. F/n watched, already sitting at the table. Thomas looked at you and frowned slightly.

"Of course! Why wouldn't you be allowed to eat?" The beautifully gay male asked you.

"I-I used to have to ask permission to eat at the orphanage... I got permission most of the time, but sometimes I wasn't allowed." You mumbled softly, looking at the floor.

Thomas hugged you and sat you on a chair, smiling at you.

"You don't need permission to eat here. Unless it's in between meals, then you should probably ask before having a snack." Thomas said.

Logan has just finished walking down the stairs along with Patton. They sat at the table with F/n, you, and the others and looked at Thomas. Thomas sat down and smiled at everyone.

"Let's eat!" Thomas said before everyone started grabbing food. They made sure to leave enough for you, because you had waited until the slight chaos had gone.

You hesitated before reaching out and dishing yourself some food. Once you had dished up and everyone had began eating, you stared at your food silently for a few minutes before hesitating and eating a little bit.

The food you took a bite out of was surprisingly good compared to the food that the orphanage had. You smiled and ate more and more until the plate was empty and your stomach was full.

————thirty minute time skip————

After all the food was finished and the dishes were in the sink, you had travelled upstairs and dug through your bag until you found a book. You didn't know what the title said, but F/n had told you that it said 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone'. ((Or Sorcerer's Stone for all you Americans.))

You stood up once you grabbed the book and started walking downstairs to where everyone else was. Except for F/n. She was apparently in the bathroom.

You walked over to the couch where Patton was sitting and tried to read the book, but could only make out words like 'the', 'a', 'and', and other really really short words. You eventually gave up and frowned.

Patton noticed you frowning and looked at you.

"You okay, Kiddo?" The smol bean father figure male had asked you. You shook your head and crossed your arms. "What's wrong?" Patton asked.

"I-I... uhhh..." you started, unable to say it. Your shy stuttering caught the attention of Thomas, Logan, Roman and Virgil, causing them to look at you.

"It's okay, you can tell us." Patton reassured. You sighed quietly and looked down.

"I can't read. I never learned how to.." You mumbled, waiting for a reaction. For about ten seconds, it was dead silent.

But then Roman spoke up.

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