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Dear, Kale

I might be in great danger even sending this to you, but, I just can't making it threw the day without putting my hear on paper for you. You may be in danger also. You are a thief, but the only thing you took from me and that was my heart, and that I am glad you took. I flinch at every site of your face on the parchments hanging on the post on the streets knowing they are looking for you. Please take care, if they find you surly they will have your blood. In addition, if that were so to happen then they would have mine as well. If I may propose an escape, we could run to Italy and be far away, no longer under the rule of our ruling queen, long be her life, but as I write these rebellious words, I can only hear my heart wanting me to write bolder, but if we arrive at Italy in the near future, if I may ask you to put your life of treachery behind you. Or surly you will end up like the highway man, and go down like a dog in the high way by king George's men. I pray that not so happens to thy love. I will meet you at the date of no moon this next approaching month, it will be where this letter rest, I love you so.

Your love,

Juliana .

As I gracefully fold the parchment I slip into my silk gown and robe, the soft fabric gracing my skin. my hair laid wavy down my back, lose and sore from the high braids, and pins in my skull. I slipped past the sleeping guard, my bare feet padded agents the cool stone. I lifted my skirt just barely above my ankles, and descended the massive stone staircase with feet as quite as a mouse. I finally reach the stables. I climbed on to my black pony, riding side saddle, I knotted my fingers into his main. I clicked my tongue and he trotted forward. I rode him to the river were kale and I loved to sit and talk till the moon no longer shone, and bits of pink made its way to the horizon. I slid the letter firmly under a rock. I climbed back on to my black pony, she started to nibble on the green grass that shone silver in the full moon light. Then my eyes stumbled across a silver heart, with a gold long chain. With 'Juliana' carved into it. I hung it on my neck. And rode back to the stables and lie that I had never left. I would wait anxiously for him. I could not help but peek over my shoulder as I closed the stables door to see if he was already there. All I could see was empty moon light.

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