bord outa my head.

43 3 2

I fall asleep in the car along the way. Once the car pulls into a dirt road; I fell like I'm on the dark side of the moon. Away from teclonagy, communication, everything.

"so, what name are you going by this year, Julia, Juliet, Ann, Anna... Julean-"

"Just Ann is fine." I say cutting her off before she could use my full name.

"oh, okay, why do you change your name around so much, I think Juleana is pretty."

"well, I don't okay," I snapped. Joy shrugged her shoulders and led me inside.

"your bed room is up stairs, fourth floor," Joy informed me. "Would you like some help with your bags?"

"no thank you." I say. /I can take care of myself./ I thought. On the fourth floor, there was only one door, with elaborate patterns crawling across it. I puss he the door open. The room was big, and the bed was big enough, I gently fingered the canopy it was pure lace,. I made my way to a window, which had rensntly had glass added to it, I could tell it was just once a big hole in the wall with only shutters to cover it, but the window opened like a door, so I could lean out a little, I then realized I was in the tower. That would explain the roundness of it. I found a door just off to the side that led to a secret room, or I guess it could be a closet, until I realized, the stone steps in the back of it. to my own disappointment it only led to the stables. I sighed and gently patted the back of one of the white mares. I made my way back up and crawled into bed.

I slept till sunset the next day. My sleeping pattern continued, but I woke an hour earlier each day, so it took a few days before I got back on track.

I had been here for a week and a half and I was so board I considered walking home.

My aunt came in. "Anna, your mother called, she says the meeting is going to last a little longer then she thought. "

"oh, goody." I grumbled picking and poking my oatmeal and toast. I stand up. "I'm going to walk in town, maybe get a bracelet or something. See you later." I said. Walking out. I walked along the dirt path, kicking things out of my way as I did so, I finely got to a paved road, but it was all to pieces. It was the oldest part of England, way off in the country, far enough way so we could barely hear big Ben, gong threw the hills. I was very oblivions to every thing around me. then I ran smack into some one. I found myself sitting on the ground. He had to be strong and big if he can knock me down like that just by me running it to him with me at my sluggish pace. That's when I realized he was the one who ran into me.

"oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't see you," he stretched his hand out to help me up. I pushed my self off the ground. Not bothering to take his hand. I looked up, eyes angry. His kind blue eyes meet mine but didn't melt an ounce of my anger. His blond hair was neat and trimmed, he was cute faced, but my mind still seamed dead set on my anger.

"normally where I come from, people tend to look forward when they run." I grumbled dusting the dirt off my jeans.

He chuckled. "so, where are you from?' he said.

"none of your business." I muttered. Almost shoving past him as I walked away.

"you must be from the states, because no one here walks with a big hole in the back of their shorts."

I blushed an angry red, and stalked away.

*sorry I haven't posted in a while, most of my life consist of home work, and volleyball games, practice and so on, so here ya go, vote, comment become a fan.*

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2010 ⏰

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