oh how i hate summer.

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(a few generations later.)

"Juliana Kelly! Get down stairs now, we are going to miss our flight!" mom shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm coming!" I growled, as I laced my knee-high converse. I hated it when people used my full name, I zipped up my favorite jacket, it was dark blue, it reminded me of a twilight sky. I dragged my bag sluggishly down the stairs and secured it over my shoulder. I scowled at my luggage. I had to go to England agents my will to visit my and uncle for the summer holiday. They have this big plaice in the middle of no were, and that just spells the word fun... not. I sit on the stairs reading. Refusing to move an inch until I'm forced, and or threatened with my life, (like, no TV for a year, life.) I slowly get into the car. The blue and green streaks in my hair are still bright in my messy light brown hair. I read in the car all the way to the air port. I hated summers. Summers were always too hot, moist and buggy for my taste. I liked nice dry days, with no clouds, the kind were the breeze is cool, were I can lay out in the grass in the lawn and do nothing, and maybe have an occasionally butterfly land on my face, or flutter about me. I put my iPod on full blast and play Evanescence until I am dragged into the airport.

"don't worry sweetie, the business trip only last 4 weeks. You'll have a lot of fun,"

Yeah right. I think as I fight the impulse to roll my eyes, "I'll see you soon mom," I hug her then slowly get on the plain. I have flown many times. But it never stops the feeling of claustrophobia that creeps up on me every time. A tall blond preppy girl sits next to me, I can tell that she is desperate for conversation. I always avoid that exact thing. Finally, she gets the message when I keep nodding and turn up my music that was still blaring in my ears. The real claustrophobia skinks in when we lift off. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. It is supposed to be a non-stop flight from Florida to England, there is no possible way I will make it there with out losing half of my stomach in the process. I sighed sadly when my iPod died I slowly put it away, I unbuckled my seat belt, and went to take some of the Tylenol I had in my carry on, I was just developing a huge migraine from having the music so loud in my ears for so long, I sleep a long time. We stop to refuel in France, and then I'm finally able to breathe knowing that only a few more hours await me. we take to the sky again. Night has fallen I already feel the effects of jet lag, it is supposed to be nearly dawn back at home. And was throwing me off. but the sites were beautiful. I could just barely make out the Eifel tower below us, before I finally doze off. I am relived to finally get off the plain. My aunt and uncle wait for me at my gate. Were I take in a frustrated growl. They have cozen Joy to add to the fun. We're total opposites, she had long flowing soft brown hair that nearly reaches her waist, big brown eyes, and straight teeth without the barb wire of bracts that lined my teeth, and was now rubbing blisters in my mouth from my gritted teeth. We almost always get thrown together somehow or some way over the summer. Joy smiles at me, her teeth ultra white, not even one white spot, compared to the hundred ill probably have when I get mine off. I sigh. "hey guys" I say. Joy walks to take my bag.

"come on lets go eat, I bet your starving." She said. I sighed and nodded. There were a couple of things I liked about Joy, never pushing you when you don't what to talk, always knowing what and what not to say, and my favorite always when to shut -up witch seams to be a lost art. I sigh and we go to the baggage claim and get my bags, and we all head to the place where I'll be staying...aka imprisoned during the summer. It was going to be one long summer.

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