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This is pretty short but I wanted to upload something

"Find what you were looking for?" Alex's asks sipping on her apple juice. "Your here. How was your dentist appointment?" Taehyung smiles as Nick hugs her. "Yep and my teeth hurt." "That's what happens when you get braces." Taehyung chuckles. 'Smile for me.' Nick signs. Alex's smiles showing her teeth. "You got purple and silver ones." 'They look good on you." "Thanks guys." Alex's says as she can feel her face heat up. "Let's go guys." She says grabbing a hand of both boys.

"Where are we going?" Taehyung asked as he noticed that he didn't know where they were. "A secret place." Alex said squeezing both boys hands. Taehyung felt as bit more at ease in an unknown place.

When they arrived Taehyungs mouth nearly fell open. The were at a small pier at a river. It was pretty hidden from the public. "It's beautiful place." Taehyung commented. "It our secret place. It near Nick's house. It's the place we met. It's really special and we wanted to share it with you." Taehyung smiles at them.

They sat down with Taehyung in the middle when Taehyung suddenly started biting on his nails again. Nick took his hand giving him a worried look. "Tae what's bothering you?" Alex asked. "I'm just thinking." "About?" Alex asks. "I'm afraid that you guys are going to leave me." Taehyung mumbles. "We won't. You don't need to worry about it." Taehyung looks at her. He really wants to believe it but words just aren't enough for him at the moment. He can't help but feel insecure.

Nick noticed that Taehyung still looked troubled. The taped the boy shoulder getting his attention. As soon as Taehyung turned his face Nick softly grabbed his face softly gazing into his eyes before leaning in and kissing him softly. After they parted Nick signed 'Your not getting rid of us that easily.' Making Taehyung smile.

"I can't believe this. You got his first kiss." Alex pouted making Nick laugh inaudible and Taehyung giggle softly. Taehyung leaned closer to Alex. "Want a kiss too?" Just like that Alex leaned in and kissed him. "Thanks." Taehyung mutters inaudible. He just needed some reassurance and this helped a lot.

Tell me your thoughts and suggestions on this.

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