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Dean looks at Seth, for the third time in his life he hurt him again. Dean picks up his bags, once last this time looks at Seth. Turns around heading for the door. He opens the door, feeling Seth's touch. Usually it would bring all sorts of feelings, but now it wasn't sure. 

"Please don't go Dean, we can always fix it. Just one more time." Seth whispers.

Dean mumbles, "I can't Seth, I had enough. Every time I feel your touch I fall apart, I'm broken."

Dean walked forward, as Seth's hand fell off his arm. He couldn't do it anymore. The fights, the screaming, the accusing, was to much now. He walked to the elevator, taking one last look at their apartment. He sighs,seeing a sad Seth staring back. He wanted so bad to run back into Seth's arms, but held it back.

He walks into the elevator, watching the door close.he pushed the button for the top floor, getting out, heading to the roof.  He finally let it out, he slid down the wall crying. What could have been fixed, was now broken. His heart needed mending, but now he will just run away. Seth was all he ever known since he came to this town. He puts his head on his knees closing his eyes.

He started to remembered the first time he came into the cafe. Seth was so cute in his little apron serving food. He came to Deans table smiling at him. Dean smiles back, ordering some soup, and coffee. As he waited as he stared at Seth, couldn't help it. His friendly voice to his smile, it warmed him inside. As Seth brought his food,asking if there was anything else?

"Yeah for starters your number, and when you get off work." 

Seth, blushes at him, "I am off at 9, but my number handsome...well you have to meet me to get it."

Dean smirks, he knew he was his. He eats his dinner slowly making sure to keep an eye on Seth. He saw how easy he flirted with everyone, but kept winking at him. He finished his meal, paying the cashier. He looks at Seth, smiling heading out the door. 

When 9 finally arrived, he stood outside the cafe in his leather jacket. He lit a cigarette puffing a few smokes out, then holds it. He lend on the wall of the building watching people leave.  He saw a shadow outside the street lamp, knowing who it was. He takes one last puff of his cigarette, then stomps it out. He turns seeing that handsome face, then smiles. Putting a piece of gum in his mouth, walks to Seth.

"Hey cutie, ready to get to know me?" 

Seth laughs, "Sure, your very persisted aren't you?"

Dean smirks, "Only for something I really want."

They started walking, getting to know each other. Seth couldn't help but already fall in love with this blonde hair, blue eye guy. He had a lot of guys hit on him, but none as determine as Dean. The next few years they moved in together,but Seth changed , staying out longer. Always smelling different, talking to random guys. The fights started, and they would make up, things be great again.

Now they got here, Dean had enough. He was finally shattered, feeling used and pathetic. He had nothing left inside anymore, so broken. He got up going to the end of the building. He climbs on the edge looking down. He didn't want to live if it meant not feeling anything again. He heard the door open to the roof, turning around seeing Roman.

"Bro come down, we can fix this." 

Dean now shaking, crying seeing Seth right behind him. He tells them to back off. He wanted to end, he wanted the hurt the anger, everything go away. He heard them whisper, but he didn't care what they had to say. 

"Dean, come on please. I know it gonna take some time, but we can fix it like Roman said." Seth walks to him.

Dean growls, almost slipped off the edge. They gasp when they saw that. Dean moves away from them more.  Again telling them to back away, or he would jump. Seeing them do what he asked feeling more scared.

"Seth.....your words have no meaning anymore."

Seth took a few steps, "We can go back to the start Dean....our love and all, I am sorry."

Dean sighs, "You take your love, I don't need it anymore. You can take everything, and leave me alone. All those sorrys , we can't go back to the start, you cant FIX IT!"

Roman looks at him, "Bro, I know your hurt, but this isn't the answer."

"Watch me Ro, there are millions reasons why, stop trying to think you can mend me. I want to run away from love, all of this." wipes his nose.

Dean looks at them, "I finally realize I have nothing left inside. I am broken, my heart is broken. Everything isn't worth being here anymore."

Suddenly Dean foot went under him, he started to fall. He looked up seeing Roman there holding his arm. "I got you Dean, just hold on."

Dean looks at him whispers, "I'm not worth saving." 

He lets go off his hand, but roman held on tight, "Let Me Save You!"

Dean used his other hand, breaking Romans hand off his arm. He fell all the way down hitting the cement hard. Dean died instantly from the impact, head split open with his eyes looking up at the roof.  Seth screamed loud, running down all the steps falling down a few steps. 

Reaching to the bottom, runs to Dean. Picks him up crying pleading with him. Tears falling in the bloody face of Deans, "I am so sorry....I love you so much."
Roman reach them bending next to them, closing Deans eyes. Never again will he hear his laughter, or anything. He looks at Seth, holding his hand......

"Fix him Roman, he can't be dead."

Roman felt the tears, "He's gone Seth, I'm sorry."


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