Get What You Deserve

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Seth was in the ring getting a beating of his life by Cesaro and Sheamus. Dean's music hit, he ran down the ramp. Getting in the ring, he cleared them out. He walks over to Seth, helping him up. The crowd was cheering, they didn't expect to see Dean yet. Seth was just as shocked as he hugged Dean. He heard Dean whisper, "I know what you two did!" he released his embrace from Seth. 

Dean started walking away from Seth, but stops by the ropes. Seth watched as he was confused by what Dean said. He turned around looking at Seth, getting close by him again, he smirks, then dirty deeds Seth right there. The crowd was shocked, hardly any noise was made. Watching, Dean goes down and beat on Seth. Cole said, "What is wrong with Ambrose? Has he lost it, his best friend he is beating down!" 

Dean grabs Seth's hair, then got into his face, "Have you had enough huh? You should have known your end was near. You greedy little bastard, you will get what you deserve." Seth whimpers, "What are you talking about?" 

Dean punched him again, "You think I won't find out huh?" throws Seth back down stomping away at him. He finally able to release his anger. Scripted or not he wasn't letting up. Roman's music hit as the crowd cheered. He pushes Dean away from Seth getting in his face, their foreheads touched, "What is your problem Dean?" 

Dean smirks, backs away, "Did you two ready think I let it keep going on?" he grins, "I had it up to here." he pointed to his head. "I will leave you both in misery, and hate what you both become." he pushes pass Roman, climbing out the ring. He turns around watching them, he had them where he wanted them. Using his fingers as a gun, pointing to them both laughing. He walks up the ramp backwards not turning his back from them.

The crowd was speechless, but at the same time booing Dean. He flips off the crowd, if they only knew what went on behind the curtains. He walked through the curtains, walking down the stairs. Seeing some of the superstars shocked, but paid no mind to them. He saw Hunter walking over to him, "What was that out there huh?" 

Dean shrugged walking pass Hunter, he felt his arm being grabbed. "Don't walk away from Ambrose. Whatever personal business you have stay back here not out there." Dean looks at him says, "Are we done now?" Hunter said, "You tell me? Are you done or need to reek more havoc tonight?" Dean looks at Hunter, "I am far from done, but out in the ring I am, so I suggest you let go of my arm." 

Hunter did just that, watching him walk away. Turning around seeing Seth and Roman coming down the stairs. He waited for them to go to get closer, he looks at them. "I don't know what happened out there Hunter." Seth holding his head, being helped by Roman, "But I getting answers right now." Seth walked around them and limping to Deans locker room. 

He didn't even bother knocking he walked right in. Dean was laying there waiting for him. "Shut the door, my business isn't for the whole damn locker room to see." Seth slammed the door limping to Dean, "Alright Ambrose I want to know now. Why you attack me out there?" Dean sat up with hurt and anger in his face.

"You know what you and Roman did. I wasn't even gone for a month and you two sleeping together. I should have knew something was up, when you two hardly looked me in the face." he got up walking pass Seth locking the door. Waiting there for a few minutes. Seth turned around, whispers, "How you know, let alone find out?"

Dean walks to Seth grabbing him up, "Does it even matter huh? How fucking long Rollins? Is it still going on or stop when you found out I was coming back?" he pushes Seth hard against the wall. He grabs Seth's face hard, "I thought you loved me?" Seth whimpers, "I...I do love you Dean." tears formed in Seth's eyes. He was scared right now, looking at the door. 

Dean sees him looking at the door laughs, "Its locked he won't be coming in Seth, but...." he lets go of Seth letting him hit hard on the floor. He paced back and forth, trying to calm down. Seth sat there, as he said, "I didn't mean for this to happen Dean, just...just did. I was lonely. Roman was here, he comforted me, and told me over and over you would be back soon." Dean was listening, but anger struck again. 

"We both were drinking talking about our time together as The Shield, and how me and you confessed our love. I don't know, we were laughing and we kissed. It hot heated, then made love. Suddenly it grew into passion and relationship. We wanted to tell you, but didn't know how without hurting you." he was in full blown tears now, he never meant for Dean to find out like this.

Dean sat down on the couch, "Don't waste those tears Seth...I should have known you couldn't hold your end of the bargain. But if you're waiting for me to let this keep happening you're wrong." he runs his hand through his hair and sighs, "I hate you and everything that comes out of you. Roman will get his, he made sure this would end, he is just as selfish as you.....BUT YOUR THE WORSE!" he got up in his face. 

"I gave you everything, I told you not to hurt me..." gets up looks down at Seth, "I will never let you two be together, let alone want you back. I want you two to suffer every agony I went through when I found out." Seth whispers, "I love you Ambrose, it didn't have to go down like this." Dean turned around kicked Seth hard, "You mean it shouldn't have happened!" as Seth yelled in pain.

Roman heard Seth yelling, went to the door it was locked. He started kicking it hard. Dean turns to hear him kicking the door, he grabs a steel chair waiting for him to come in. Roman got in sees Seth on the floor crying. Just when he was ready to walk over he felt something hard hit his back. Hitting the floor, he saw in the mirror it was Dean holding the chair. 

Another blow came to his back, then another one. Seth crawled to Roman shielding his body to sacrificing his own body for the blows. Dean hit Seth this time hearing him yelp in pain, he holds the chair up looking at him. "It didn't have to end like this Seth." he slam the chair on Seth hard again, hearing him scream in pain. For a good measure, he slammed Seth again with the chair. Hearing him scream in pain, gave Dean the satisfaction. 

Throwing the chair across the room, he watch them in pain. They should have known he would do this to them. He bends down at them, "I am done with the both of you." he spit in both their faces laughs, "You two thought you we're cleaver? Don't even answer that, because I don't believe either one of you or your lies." stands up kicking them both once more, then grabbing his bags as he walked out the door......

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