Messing around with him

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Oh boii we're back at it again, also I'm starting to run out of ideas so if I don't post for a long ass time you know why.
I'll leave you alone now
- he would definitely be very giggly and lots of loud laughter
-he would be the type to rub stuff in your face in a teasing way
- let's say you two were out doing something during the day , and you did something embarrassing like you tripped or something
-once you got home you two would try and order some take out (or whatever you want)
And his fucker would be all on top of you (literally) like "AYE YO Y/N YOU GONNA TRIP OVER THE TAKE OUT GUYS FOOT LIKE YOU DID AT THE PARK"
- you would just sigh and do a little face palm
- after the food got there you would run off with it locking yourself in the bathroom and eating almost all the food leaving him very little
-once you gave in you would hand him the almost empty take out and say "that's what you get for teasing me"

-I could also imagine lots of tickle fights

-I feel that would be how he woke you up some mornings

-ticking each other until the other felt like they were gonna explode

- *insert Lucas's high pitched laugh*

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