The Call

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My name's Jaxson Orgando. I'm from Neosho. On January 15th I contacted Jake Paul. He already knew who I was because I already contacted him once.

Call between Jake and Jaxson:
Jake: Hey what's up? I didn't think I would be getting contacted by you so soon.
Jaxson: The plans changed. I found out what my sister wants for her birthday and it matches what I want for my birthday. So on January 31 I'm leaving. My sister wants me gone for her birthday and I want to leave for my birthday. But the problem is I don't have enough money to buy a plane ticket.
Jake: I can help with the plane ticket. I thought you loved your family. And I know you love your friends. So what are you going to do about your friends?
Jaxson: Well I can't bring myself to say goodbye to them. I'm also going to need a new phone because I'm going to leave mine here so my parents can't track me. And I'm bringing just some of my clothes and my most important belongings. I only have two duffel bags and a draw string bag. I'm also dropping out of school.
Jake: At least tell your best friend what's going on. I will get you a new phone and mail it to you along with your ticket or I can fly to you. And your not telling your parents why? I can have Erika go shopping with you if you want. And dropping out of school is your choice.
Jaxson: I will tell my best friend. Thanks for everything and if it's not too much to ask I would like you to fly here. Pick me up then fly back with me because I've never been on an airplane and they scare me. If I tell my parents they'll ask why and I can't tell them why. If Erika wants to go shopping I will but I hate shopping and anything girly. And thanks for understanding.
Jake: I will fly out to you I mean I did suggest it so it's not too much to ask for. I understand. I'll ask Erika. I'll tell her you hate girly stuff. And anytime. Anything else I can do for you?
Jaxson: No thank you Jake. Goodbye Jake see you in 16 days and a couple hours.
End of call

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