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I woke up to Jake shaking me. He kept telling me to wake up. It was super bright. As I opened my eyes I realized I wasn't in my bedroom. "Jake what happened? Why am I not in my bedroom? Where am I? Who's on the floor?" "Jaxson you passed out. Ethan brought you in here because they were working on your bedroom. Your in Anthony's bed. Anthony's on the floor." "Why did I pass out?" "Nobody was watching you. We had red wine out. The punch was red to. You mistaked the wine for the punch. You got drunk. Passed out." "I don't think it was a mistake. I remember being mad because you told me I couldn't have alcohol." "Alcohol is bad for kids." "Jake I'm sorry. Can you ever forgive me? And can you bring me to the toilet? I feel like I'm going to throw up." "I know your sorry. It was your birthday. I should have considered your age. Yes I can forgive you. Yeah come on. Don't wanna have to pickup barf." "Thank you." I started puking. Then Jake called to Erika "Erika, I'm in Anthony's bathroom. Can you bring up something to eat and a glass of water? Something like applesauce?" "Yeah sure thing Jake." Erika soon arrived at the bathroom door. "What the hell is going on?" "Jaxson got drunk last night. I wasn't watching her. I was a horrible parent. It should of been about her." "Jake all you can do now is be with her. Did you say she got drunk? Who brought her up here? Who knew what she was doing?" "Ethan brought her up here. Yes I did say she got drunk. You'll have to ask Ethan. It looked to me like she was having fun." "Jake just stay with her and I'll be right back." Then Erika left. Jake gave me the water and I washed out my mouth. Then I ate the applesauce. I just sat there. Jake was holding me tight. For the first time in a long time I felt safe. I felt like nothing could hurt me. Then I passed out. Jake brought me into his room. Laid me on his bed and laid with me. After a little bit AJ, Erika, Chance, Anthony, Ethan, Tessa, Ivan, Logan, Nick, and Kade all walked in. Jake was awake. He didn't get up because he didn't want to wake me up. I was awake I just wanted to hear what they had to say. So they came around so Jake could see them.
AJ: I should have been watching her. I'm not old enough to drink. I should've been with her.
Erika: The only reason she wasn't smashed was because of Ethan.
Ethan: I know I should've told someone but she asked me not to.
Chance: I saw here getting into the wine. I thought I was seeing things because I was drunk.
Anthony: I was in the backyard skinny dipping.
Tessa: I was getting ready to go talk to her when I saw Ethan take her upstairs. I should've went to see if she was ok.
Logan: she's my niece. It was her birthday party. And her 1 million subs celebration.
Ivan: she's cute when she's asleep.
AJ: I know. I was thinking the same thing. I just didn't say anything because I didn't want Jake getting mad at me again.
Logan: fine I'll be the one getting mad at you then. Keep your hands off of Jaxson.
AJ: okay I get it. You guys don't think I'm good enough for her.
Jake: she did ask me if you liked her. I mentioned her having someone to call Daddy. She said what about AJ. I just didn't answer her.
Logan: I've noticed how she looks at you. She looks at you with a sparkle in her eye.
Erika: the only person I look at like that is Jake because I like him.
Tessa: this means Jaxson likes him.
Kade: Jake. Logan. Why don't you let them try. I'm sure they would be grateful.
Jake: ok fine
Logan: fine. But if you hurt her I will cut your dick off.
Nick: ok Logan a little to far. But really AJ if you hurt her you'll regret it.
AJ: ok I get it. I'm just gonna go.
Jaxson: AJ WAIT.
Everyone looked at me weird
Jaxson: what I wanted to know what you had to say. But right now I have to go do something. Something I've been wanting to do.
Then I run up to AJ.
Jaxson: AJ I've been wanting to ask you something since I first met you. AJ will you be my boyfriend?
AJ: yes. Of course I will.
Then I hug him. He leans down and kissed me. It was long and passionate.
Jake: Jaxson stop that right now. You are only 14 and a day old. Your also hung over.
Jaxson: you don't think I know that. I need to go in the bathroom.
I run into the bathroom. They hear me puking. AJ, Jake and Logan come in the bathroom. The rest of them stand outside the bathroom. Jake tells them to get me a wet wash cloth, some applesauce, some water, and a change of clothes. Kade gets the wet wash cloth. Nick get the applesauce container. Anthony gets the water. Erika and Tessa get me clothes to change into. They ask "why does she need a change of clothes?" "Simple because her dress is falling down. And has puke and blood on it." "How did my girlfriend get blood on her dress?" "I might know. Since she was drunk last night I think she fell. She got a bloody nose. I noticed some blood but I cleaned her up before putting her to bed." "You didn't tell us this why exactly? Ethan." "It didn't cross my mind at the time. Logan." " Ok. All of you boys get out f here. We're going to get her changed. Well let you in when we are done." "Ok mother, Erika." "Jake your not funny." They got me cleaned up and changed. Then they asked me about AJ. "So tell us about your boyfriend." "Erika there's really nothing to tell. I've liked him since I met him. I didn't know if he liked me. But by that kiss we shared I can tell you he likes me. It wasn't a I just wanna fuck you and leave type kiss. It was a I wanna hold you tight, never gonna let you go type kiss." "Ok Jaxson, one watch your language. Don't say that in front of Jake or Logan. Two how do you know the difference?" "Tessa I know the difference because me and another guy back home shared a fuck me and leave kiss." "You'll have to tell us about it later. Right now I'm letting the boys back in." She opened the door and the boys came in. "Jaxson what happened between you and that boy back home?" "Nothing because a teacher walking in. Otherwise I would have had some fun. Anything else Jake?" "Yeah how old were you?" "I was twelve. The boy was 15." "Why would you do that?" "Do what? We didn't do anything. The next day he moved. Actually the next day he was found dead. He died by an overdose. I blame myself." "Oh Jaxson, Jake didn't mean to make you sad. He just wants to be a good parent." "Erika, the worst part about it is that by his dead body was a note. It was titled "to: Jaxson. The one I loved." I have the note if you want to read it." "Later. Right now we need to make sure your ok." "Thanks Dad. But I have to go make a video. I have to post everyday. Today I'm doing two challenges." "Ok. Let me help you up and let me be the first to say you look cute today." "Alright dad." "Let me be the first and hopefully only one to kiss you." He kisses me. I kiss him back. Then him and Jake help me up. I eat the applesauce. Then I ask if I can go in my room yet. They say no. So I stumble into the kitchen. Chad is there. "Hey Chad. Did you have fun last night?" "Yeah I did. Did you? "That was the most fun I've had in a long time." "Really?" "Yeah. Out of all of the times I've got drunk this time was my favorite." "Wait you got drunk last night? You've been drunk before? How many times have you been drunk? What did you do while you got drunk?" "Yes I got drunk last night. Well duh I've been drunk before. Like six times in two months. Make out with a bunch of high schoolers. Strip on a pool table. Just regular stuff. It was all fun though." "Ok wow. I was 22 the first time I got drunk. How old were you?" "I was 12." "Don't you have a competition with Nick today?" "Yeah. Also have you seen my phone?" "Yeah. It's right here." He picks my phone up off the counter. I tell him thanks then I go find Nick. He's in his bedroom on his computer. I knock and he tells me to come on in. "Hey Jaxson, how are you feeling after last night? When you didn't wake up with your alarm you scared everyone." "I'm sorry Nick. Last night I got drunk again. I'm a little hungover, but all things considered I'm doing great. I didn't mean to scare anyone. I just didn't feel good." "It's fine. It wasn't your fault. Wait you've gotten drunk before? And of course your hungover. Your just a kid. You miss Noma don't you?" "It was my fault. I'm the one who got drunk. Well yeah I got drunk a couple times before. I was hanging out with a bunch of high schoolers. Of course I miss Noma. I need her. She's my everything. Ok I'm going to tell you something. You have to promise not to tell anyone." "Ok I promise. You can trust me Jaxson." "I'm bisexual. So is Noma. Last year at my birthday party we kissed. We've made out a lot. We also dated once. I haven't told anyone here but you." "OMG. I promise I won't tell anyone. Thanks for trusting me with that secret. Are going to do our challenge today or not?" "I'm down to do the challenge. I'm recording it. Then after we finish the competition I'm doing another competition. Its a blind speed drawing. It's where I have to draw something. But I'll be blindfolded, and I'll have three minutes. You wanna do it with me?" "Yeah sure. We should get most people here to do it." "Great idea. Let's go do our who can eat the most. Then we can get everyone who wants to do the blind, speed drawing." "Yeah one more thing. I know something's on your mind. So what's on your mind?" "You guys should have a climbing wall." "Dude that's a great idea. I'm glad you're here." Then we went to the kitchen. Kade was in there so I asked him if he could record our challenge. He said he would. Me and Nick found the same amount of food. We got the same amount of the same stuff. Then Kade started recording.

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