Neosho Day 2

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Everyone was watching Netflix except for me because I have a concussion. I ended up falling into a really deep slumber. I was having a really bad dream.
Jacob: your just a bitch
Alex(not Lange): a hoe
Kai: a slut
Ben(not my friend): a prostitute
David: a gay ass bitch
Devan: a psycho
Trenton: a crazy ass mother fucker
Hayden: a lying ass psycho
Harley: you are a nobody
Weston: people only talk to you for sex
Mike: nobody will ever love you
Kendan: you are useless
Jayden: you can't even fight back
Dalton: your weak
Max: nobody would notice if you died
Harvey: nobody would care if you died
Blake: you have nothing
Jackson: you are nothing
Luke: why don't you go die in a hole
Jenson: your dead to everyone anyways
Jace: nobody would even give you a funeral
Harper: if you were gone we'd all celebrate
Tanner(non friend): just go kill yourself
I guess I was screaming because someone keep trying to wake me up. I finally woke up. As soon as I opened my eyes everyone stepped back a little bit. While I was sleeping my sunglasses came off and when I woke up my eyes were completely white. "All of you better get out of my way otherwise I will kill you. If you are in my way you will die. I must die. I was told to kill myself. If you try to stop me he will kill all of you. As the prophecy states the chosen one must die a painful death for everyone else to live. This chosen one has 24 painful hours left." Then my eyes went back to normal. I didn't know what had happened but I remembered what I was dreaming about. I started bawling. Then I stood up, wiped my tears away and said "Nobody will ever mess with me again." That's all I said before walking into the kitchen. I found something to eat. I just sat there staring at my food for five minutes. Every second I was growing stronger. After about five minutes I was stronger than everyone there combined. AJ looked really concerned. All I said was "babe I'm gonna be with you forever. Nobody will ever hurt any of us again. I am a weapon. I have secret powers. I can protect everyone here. And I will use these power to kill Noma, Tucker and Eli. Plus I will kill Jacob, Alex, Kai, Ben, David, Devan, Trenton, Hayden, Harley, Weston, Mike, Kendan, Jayden, Dalton, Max, Harvey, Blake, Jackson, Luke, Jenson, Jace, Harper, and Tanner. I could do some much damage to a human body. But I can't penetrate my own body. I am not human. I am super strong, fast, smart, and I have crazy abilities. Such as mind reading, future telling and so much more. Y'all are safe with me as long as you stay out of my way." Then I just passed out. Two hours later I woke up with tubes connected to me. I started panicking. Then a nurse came in a said "Hi my name is Marrissa. I will be your nurse. Please don't worry. You are in the hospital. You are safe here. A lot of boys brought you in here a couple hours ago. They said that you passed out out of nowhere. They have been in the waiting room for the past two hours. Would you like them to come in?" "Who all is here?" "I'll go get their names." She left. Then about five minutes later she came back and said "ok so there's AJ, Alex, Jake, Jesse, Ben, Blaeton, James, Tanner, Abby, Tucker, Noma, and Elijah. Who do you wanna see?" "Just keep Noma, Tucker, and Eli away from me." "Yes ma'am. I will go get the rest of them." "Thanks." "Anytime." She left and when she came back she had a bunch of boys with her. "Nurse Marrissa where is Abby?" "Hey Jaxson I'm right here. The stupid boys wouldn't let me be in front." I started laughing but it hurt when I laughed. Marrissa told them to try and not make me laugh. I saw AJ in the corner and he looked like he was about to cry. "Hey everyone can I have some alone time with AJ?" "Yeah." After Jake answers he shoves everyone out the door. AJ gets up and walks over to me. "Hey cutie." "AJ I'm the only one here who are you talking to?" "You duh." "Whatever. What's wrong?" "I haven't been there for you. I'm doing a horrible job. I'm your fiance. I'm suppose to be there for you. Instead Ben and James have been there for you. I'm so sorry. You deserve more." "AJ, you and me. In bed sometime soon. Ben and James can't replace you. Do you know how many people I've made out with just to get you out of my mind?" "You know I'm down for that. Thanks for telling me that. No. Go ahead and tell me." "Well I was gonna tell you anyways. I've made out with 21 people just to get you out of my mind." "Just to forget about me?" "Yeah." "Oh." "Hey I won't ever leave you. Tell the others they can come in now." "I will never leave you either. Ok." He went and got everyone else. By the time they came back I had taken all the tubes and wires out of me. Once everyone came back we started talking.
Jaxson: hey everyone. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to scare anyone.
Ben: what do you mean?
Jaxson: I mean I didn't mean to scare anyone when my eyes rolled to the back of my head.
Ben: it wasn't your fault.
Jaxson: actually it was.
Ben: what do you mean?
Jaxson: I was talking to someone on the other side.
Ben: what other side?
Jaxson: the other side of the wall.
Ben: what wall?
Jaxson: the supernatural wall.
Ben: there's no such thing.
Jaxson: actually there is.
Ben: what do you mean?
Jaxson: on the other side is one of my ex-boyfriends. He died six years ago. He was a supernatural being.
Ben: what type of supernatural being?
Jaxson: he was a hybrid.
Ben: what is a hybrid?
Jaxson: a hybrid is a werewolf and a vampire.
Ben: quit lying to me. Why would you date someone like him?
Jaxson: Ben you dated someone like that.
Ben: I would never.
Jaxson: well you did.
Ben: who was it then?
Jaxson: me.
Ben: nice joke.
Jaxson: I'm a werewolf, vampire, witch. So I'm a tribrid.
Ben: lies.
Jaxson: I am the original.
Ben: prove it.
Jaxson: anyone wanna let me bite them?
James: I know your telling the truth so bite me.
Ben: why the fuck would you let her bite you?
James: because I know what happens afterwards.
Ben: lies.
James: come on Jaxson. Just like before.
Jaxson: I'm glad you said yes.
James: why?
Jaxson: because I already know what you taste like.
Ben: what the fuck.
James: let's just get this over with. I know you haven't had blood since you left.
Jaxson: how?
James: I can tell.
I bite James on his neck. My fangs sank into his skin easily. I start drinking his blood. His face started losing color. He is the only one who knows what to do to make me stop. After about three minutes he lets me know that I need to stop. After I stopped I bit my wrist and give him my blood. Thirty seconds later he was all healed. Then I scared the fuck out of everyone except for James, Blaeton and Jesse. I started a controlled fire in the middle of the room. Then I created a snake. I started talking to the snake. Then the snake went up to Ben and started to wrap itself aroun his legs. Then I gave him the order to let go. Then I told him to crawl into the fire. He did exactly that. I watched him go up in flames. Then I turned my attention to AJ.
Jaxson: hey AJ are you still gonna stay with me?
AJ: of course I am.
Jaxson: I love you AJ.
AJ: I love you too.
I go up to AJ and start making out with him.
Ben: get a room thot.
AJ: don't ever fucking call her that again. You hear?
Ben: what are you gonna do about it? You haven't been there for her at all.
AJ: I will fucking beat yo ass.
Ben: you won't do shit.
AJ: let's go. Right here right now.
Ben: alright.
Jaxson: if y'all get in a fight someone's gonna get hurt.
Ben: stay out of this you thot.
AJ: Ben...
Jaxson: AJ don't say shit. Ben let's get this started why don't we?
Ben: alright.
Ben punches AJ in the gut. Then they start fighting. With my eyes I tell everyone to stay back. I punch Ben in the face. I break his nose. Then I hit AJ in the gut. I beat the shit out of both of them. The rest of them didn't intervene because they didn't wanna get beat. Some nurses came in but everyone told them not to intervene. After I beat the living shit out of them I went on to take care of them. I would've gave them my blood but something told me not to. The nursers were taking care of Ben and AJ. I told them I loved them both. I kissed AJ then I walked out of the room. I found a chair and sat down. After two minutes I fell asleep. I woke up, six hours later, to someone shaking me. It was one of the nurses. Her name tag said her name was Angeline. She told me "hey the two boys you beat the living shit out of are ready to leave. Everyone else is waiting for you. They said they weren't gonna wake you up. You should get home into a comfy bed." "BITCH I DON'T NEED YOU TELLING ME WHAT I SHOULD DO. I CAN TAKE CARE OF MYSELF. I'VE BEEN DOING IT FOR THE PAST SEVEN YEARS. SO FUCK OFF." Then I went back to sleep. I felt someone pick me up. He was whispering in my ear "your safe now. I've got you. Nobody will ever hurt you again. I'll move to LA with you if I have to. I love you Jaxson. I know that I've ignored you before. I'll never do that again. I need you. Please don't leave me." With that I was in the back of a car. After a couple of minutes we finally stopped. The one who picked me up was Tanner. He carried me into his house. He brings me into his bedroom and lays me on the bed. He covers me up with and blanket. Kisses my forehead and tells me goodnight. He then lays down beside me on the bed. I fall asleep with Tanner beside me. Jake, AJ, Abby, and Alex all went back to the hotel. Ben, Blaeton, Jesse, and James's house. When I woke up I noticed Tanner was laying beside me playing on his phone. He realized that I was awake. "Hey Jaxson glad you're up. So all of us (me, you, Abby, James, Blaeton, Jesse, Ben, Jake, Alex and AJ) are gonna meet up and go somewhere. Do you have any suggestions?" "Yes. We can go zip lining. Then go bowling. Then eat something. Then mini golfing. Then we can go racing." "That sounds like a plan." "Ok." I get up. Take a shower. Then get dressed in something casual but comfy. I have on a hat. Then an casual shirt. With holey capris. (Although everyone told me it was gonna be cold.) (Which it wasn't.) I never did make-up so I didn't have to worry about that. Tanner drove us to the hotel cause that's where we were gonna meet up. When we got there Ben, Blaeton, Jesse, James, Abby, Jake, and Alex were all in Jake's room. I asked where AJ was and they said he wouldn't get up. Automatically I run out of the room praying that he is alright.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2019 ⏰

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