Family Visiting *Attitude* (Part 7)

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Dad- "When I ask a question I expect to be answered Allyssa"

Dad- "When I ask a question I expect to be answered Allyssa"

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Lissy- "I.....uhhhhh"

Dad- "Don't you dare lie to me"

Lissy- I looked down and the floor and mumbled "I broke the vase"

Dad- "Can't hear you"

Lissy- I spoke louder "I broke your vase"

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Lissy- I spoke louder "I broke your vase"

Dad- "Eyes up here Allyssa"

Lissy- I looked up

Dad- "Seriously Allyssa? What were you even thinking"?

Dad- "Seriously Allyssa? What were you even thinking"?

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Lissy- "I wasn't thinking"

Dad- "Your right on that. You weren't thinking."

Lissy- "Dad it isn't a big deal"

Dad- "It is a big deal Allyssa. You lied to me twice about the vase and you tried to blame it on Joan"

 You lied to me twice about the vase and you tried to blame it on Joan"

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Lissy- "whatever"

Dad- "Lose the attitude Allyssa"

Dad- "Lose the attitude Allyssa"

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Lissy- I rolled my eyes

Dad- "Seriously Allyssa"?

Lissy- "What? I'm not doing anything"

Dad- "I thought I told you to lose the attitude"

Lissy- "whatever"

Dad- "Allyssa McGarrett Enough"

Lissy- "Ugghhh....your being unfair"

Dad- "You either lose the attitude or unless you want a sore bottom"

Dad- "You either lose the attitude or unless you want a sore bottom"

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Lissy- "Fine"

Dad- "Now for your punishment you are getting a spanking...."

Lissy- "But Dad"

Dad- "No buts about it Allyssa"

Lissy- "Hmph"

Dad- "And your also grounded until further notice"

Lissy- "I dont like being punished"

Dad- "Well I don't like punishing you"

Dad- "Well I don't like punishing you"

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Lissy- "Then don't"

Dad- "Allyssa it doesn't work that way"

Lissy- "Well it should"

Dad- "Your also going to apologize to Joan"

Lissy- "Do i have to"?

Dad- "Yes you do"

Lissy- "I don't want to"

Dad- "I dont care if you want to or not. Your going to apologize to her"

 Your going to apologize to her"

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Lissy- "No"

Dad- "Excuse me"?

Lissy- "Didn't you hear me? I said no"

Dad- "You are going to apologize to Joan"

Lissy- "You can't make me"

Dad- "Excuse me"?

Lissy- "Dad I'm not going to apologize and nothing you will do would make me apologize to that brat"

Dad- "Watch your mouth Allyssa McKenzie McGarrett"

Lissy- "Like I even care"

Dad- "Do you really want me to get my belt"?

Uh oh.....Steve is threating to use the belt??

What will happen??

Keep on reading to find out!!!

Will Allyssa attitude change?

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