Change That Attitude (Part 2)

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-Car Ride-

Dad- "I just don't get it Allyssa. I thought we went over your behavior and attitude last time you got in trouble at school" I said while driving.

 I thought we went over your behavior and attitude last time you got in trouble at school" I said while driving

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Lissy- (no response)

Dad- "I'm not too pleased about coming to your school after getting a call that you got yourself in some kind of trouble Allyssa"

Dad- "I'm not too pleased about coming to your school after getting a call that you got yourself in some kind of trouble Allyssa"

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Lissy- (no response)

Dad- "Allyssa I'm speaking to you" i said sharply

Lissy- "I'm listening to you" I lied

Dad- "Then what did I just say"?

Lissy- "Uhhhhh....I don't know"

Dad- "Seriously Allyssa? Lying to me? After getting in trouble at school"?

Dad- "Seriously Allyssa? Lying to me? After getting in trouble at school"?

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Lissy- "Sorry but not sorry" I said

Dad- "I don't want to hear anything from you until we get back. Am I understood"?

 Am I understood"?

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