Leaving......(Part 2)

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Or at least I think it is

-Next Day-

Dad- "Lissy time to wake up"

Lissy- "I don't want to"

Dad- "Come on Lissy. I'm leaving in 20  minutes"

Lissy- "Fine.....Ill get up" I said as I slowly got up

-10 minutes later-

Dad- "What's wrong"? I asked as she came into the kitchen

Lissy- "Nothing" I said as I sat down. I can't tell him what is really going on.

Dad- "You sure"? I asked while looking at her

Lissy- "Yes I am" I replied

Dad- "Alright. Danny is coming over soon" I said

Lissy- "Okay"

Dad- "Listen I want you to behave while I'm gone. I don't want you to give him a hard time while I'm gone. Got it"? I said looking straight at her

Lissy- " Yes Sir" I replied

-Knock knock-

Dad- "I will go answer it" I said standing up from where i was sitting

Lissy- "Okay"

-Front Door-

Danny- "Hey man"

Steve- "Come on in Danny. Thanks for watching Allyssa while I'm gone"

Danny- "How long are you gone for"?

Steve- " They didn't say"

Danny- "Hows Lissy"?

Steve- "I don't know Danny. She is acting strange"

Danny- "What do you mean"?

Steve- "She responds in short words or she doesn't look at me in the eyes"

Danny- "What do you expect Steve? Your daughter finds out that your leaving and you don't know how long your gone for"

Steve- "Guess your right. Lissy is in the kitchen"

Danny- "I'm going to put my stuff in the guest room" I said walking towards the room

Steve- "Okay. I need to get a few more things"


Danny- "What's the long face"?

Lissy- "Hi Uncle Danny"

Danny- "What's the matter"?

Lissy- "Nothing"

Danny- "Lissy there's something wrong"

Lissy- "I told you nothing is wrong Uncle Danny"

Steve- "Apologize Allyssa"

Lissy- I rolled my eyes and said "Sorry"

Steve- "Allyssa McGarrett"?

Lissy- " What"?

Steve- "Hey! Lose the attitude Allyssa" I said firmly

Lissy- "Fine....."

Steve- I sighed and rubbed my face.

Honk Honk

Steve- "That's my ride"

Lissy- "Okay. Bye Dad"

Steve- "Can I get a hug"? I asked as I crouched down

Lissy- I ran to where he was and  wrapped my hands around his neck and hugged him not wanting to let go. I started to cry.

Steve- I knew she didn't want me to leave but I had to. "Hey,  shhhhhhhh
I'll be back.  Dont worry " I said as I rubbed her back

Lissy- "Promise"? I asked

Steve- " When do I ever break a promise "? I said as looked at her in the eyes

Lissy- "Never" I responded

Steve- "I need to go but I want you to behave for Danny. If you don't there will be spanking" I said firmly

Lissy- "Yes Sir" I said

Steve- "I love you"

Lissy- "Love you too"

Steve- I stood up and grabbed my bag.  "Bye Danny"

Danny- "Bye Steve.  See you soon"

Steve- "Bye Lissy" I said as I closed the door and got into the truck

Lissy- " Bye Dad" I said as he left. At that moment I broke down. I started to cry all over again.

Danny- I hugged as she cried
"Hey, shhhhhhhh" I said trying to calm her down.

Lissy- "Daddy! Come back!" I said as ran out the front door and towards the road.

Danny- "Allyssa come back here" I said as I went after her. I see her sitting down in the middle of the road crying her eyes out. I pick her up and brought her back into the house where she cuddled against me.

Steve McGarrett Daughter (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now