Chapter three:First day of classes and Umbrages rein of terror

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I hope you like the chapter.

................Your POV.............
I'm in DADA.Professor Umbrage is discussing O.W.L.S.I'm rather exited.I don't think anyone else besides Hermione is exited.Shes handing us our books out.

I look through the book and then raise my hand"Yes Ms.L/N." She says. "There aren't any spells in here .I know we could just learn about the spells,but if someone were to not completely understand the motion or how to cast the spell in the case they needed it wouldn't they be hurt?Or worse?" I ask knowing if I get detention with her it'll probably be torture and a lot of pink. I hate pink

"Well if they get good grades they should understand and why not a ministry approved way in a safe environment?"

Yeah I hate her.Theres only been one good DADA teacher Lupin.Harry unable to keep his mouth shut yells at her.I raise my hand to add on again not wanting detention "As he said the dark lord is back and even if not there's still death eaters and dark wizards.When DADA lessons do come in handy it won't be in a safe environment where you learn from your mistakes.It'll be in a unsafe environment where you may die from your mistakes.Also Voldemort is back I saw it with my own eyes."I say.Man I'm being polite.

Ahh.I'll probably be rude in the future. "Detention Potter and L/N though thank you for raising your hand Ms.L/N." 

...............Time skip to detention brought to you by Umbitch..............

...............Your POV...............
It's time for detention.I walk into her office and say "I'm here Proffeser."  "Your going to be writing lines." She says. "What do you want me to write?" I ask. "I will not tell lies and Support liars." She tells me.I didn't lie to you." I say. " FYI it's not the 1600's you don't have to where so much pink and be so lady like..Also This kind of quill." Then Harry comes in.She explains everything to him.He has to write and the quill.

It engraves on your hands.I have a potion that will hopefully fix it.After 3 feet I got to leave.My potion works.No more scar on my hand.Harry wouldn't show Hermione his hand.

When she saw it she said "Do parents know?" "I don't have any." He says. "Yeah,but you have a godfather so your not far from it." I say.Harry started acting differently.

Later me and him were talking with Luna and she talked to him about something and he started acting normal again. Only about 30 minutes later he was back to normal Ron has been studying for the O.W.L.S. Probably because of Umbrage .

Harry wrote a letter to Sirius.Umbrage has made rules and rules and rules.I hate her.She even tried to banish Proffeser Trelawney.

Dumbledore wouldn't let her.He keeps avoiding me and Harry.One night while we me and Hermione were ranting ,Sirius called.He told Harry some things about the order.Something he shouldn't.

I hope you liked the chapter.

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