Chapter six:Hagrid's back,Storms,Patronays charm,Umbrage finds the D.A.

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..............Your POV...................
"Hagrid's back." Hermione yells to me.Then we tell Harry whose talking to Cho.Them Ron and we're off to Hagrid's hut.

Umbrage is just walking out as we get there.Hagrid tells us about where he was at.He was partying with the giant trying to make him join the cause.

Death eaters were there trying to persuade the to to other side."It's changing out there.Just like last time.Theres a storm coming Harry,Y/N. We all best be ready when she does." Hagrid says.

Azkaban prisoners escaped from it.They say Sirius's fault.Liars."He's going to get us all killed because he can't face the truth." Hermione and I say at the same time.First time all year it least.

Then ten boy from earlier this year who didn't believe me and Harry apologized.One day me and Harry were walking when we saw Neville. "Neville." Harry says. "14 years ago a death eater Bellatrix Lestrange used the cruciotes curse on my parents.She tortured them for information,but they never gave in.I'm quite proud to be their son,but I'm not sure I'm ready for everyone to notice yet." He says.Eventually Harry says "Your going to make them proud Neville that's a promise." Harry says.

Make it a happy memory.Your happiest.Heres what a patronas looks like.Expecto Patronum." I say.Out comes a Y/P. A lot of Oohs and Aja. "I know I'm amazing." I say jokingly.

Me and Harry give advice and sort.

Then we explain it and have people try.Wow it's hard especially with all the names.Harry has to say half.I really need to learn names.Suddenly something weird happens and Umbrage and her gang bust in."Get them." She orders.

She then takes some of us to Dumbledore's office.See proof.I've been telling you right from the beginning." And so on.A whole speech. "No it's you whose wrong.I and everyone hates you.You are a Evil bitchy road face who is wrong and I hate who also wears to much pink.Someday someone's going to get you back.Maybe by helping with your face or killing all your pink ." I say.She glares.The ministry glares at me. "Idiots." I mumble under my breath."

"Naturally " Says Dumbledire. "Proffeser They had nothing to do with this it was me." Says Harry. "And me." I say. "Most noble of you Harry,Y/N this evening,but the Parchment clearly says Dumbledore's army not Potter's or L/N's or Potter's and L/N's I instructed Harry and Y/N to form this organization and I and I alone am responsible for activity Says Dumbledore. "Tell the Dailey prophet if we haven't we should still make the morning addition Bonish Shevervolt you will escort Dumbledore to Azkaban ." Says Fudge.

"I forfeit my apologize for this little snag .You seem to be laboring under the illusion I'm going to what was the phrase?Cone quietly.Well I can tell you this I have no intonation of going to Azkaban so there." Says Dumbledore. "Stop this nonsense." Says Umbrage."Take him!" She yells.

"Dumbledore's phoenix flies over and Dumbledore disappears "Fudge you've got to admit Dumbledore's got style." One of Fudge's workers says.

I hope you liked the chapter.

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