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Ok when I was about ten years old, my family moved to a village area away from the scruffy city, I quickly made two other best friends called mick and James. My parents quickly made friends as well and this village seemed like the jackpot we were looking for. Now next mine, mick's and James homes was a fairly well looked aftered forest and there was a large tree, my father and micks and James fathers agreed to build a large tree house thier for us three to play as well as other kids.

The other neighbours didn't mind and we wanted this tree house to be so awesome that it would be like heaven. We decorated it and put lots of cushions and duvets and fancy lights in there and I remember at the time; it was the best moment of my childhood. It was a big tree house and it looked amazing when it was finished and me, James and mick played on it for ages. We called it heaven and put a sign up as well titling it literally heaven, we allowed other kids to play as well from our school and James would sometimes act as the angel guarding the gate to our heaven of sorts, it was just childish fun but we only played on it when we could and did all our home works and what not.

Summer holidays were the best times and one summer as me, mick and James were relaxing our large tree house called heaven, a man started tapping on the tree our tree house was built on. All three if us looked down to see a strange man looking up at us and he said to us "is this heaven?" and all three of quietly replied "yes" and he climbed up and went into our tree house.

"can I have anything in heaven?" the strange man asked us and we all replied sacredly "yes?"

This strange man seemed that he was in heaven and we all thought he was crazy. Then over the next couple if weeks, more and more people started turning up to our tree house which they thought was heaven. We tried giving them food and water and sometimes they would wish weird things as they thought they were in real heaven. They started getting irritated when some of thier wishes weren't being answered or given and space started to run, they started blame me, mick and James but we were just kids.

We told our fathers and when they checked the tree house, no one and I mean absoloutely no one was present. We got in trouble for telling lies apparently and then as we checked the tree house, all the dame stranger plus more strangers were present in the tree which they all thought was heaven. We asked for some of thier named and we checked online about who they were, it was brought to our attention that they were dead and if they are dead then somehow they must have gotten lost and mistook our tree house called heaven; to be actually heaven, which it is definately not.

All three of us decided to be brave and tell them that where they are is in face a tree house not heaven. As we walked up there so scared of disappointing the spirits which mistook our tree house to be heaven and even more strangers turned up as well.

As all three of slowly told them the truth, all of them gave us a cold angry look and they felt like idiots which just made it worse. Then all of a sudden they all turned monstrous and screamed at us with their eyes turning black and thier mouths widening, all three of ran for our lives. Its been many years since then and last week I went to visit that tree house and I kept my distance, but I could see a figure, the only figure in that tree house. Poor soul must thinks its heaven.

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