Brainless Experiment

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At the height of communist Russia, Russia had been doing many extreme and torturous experiments. One of these experiments was to be able to sustain a human body without the use of the brain. Many reason for this experiment was the dream of building a brainless soldier which will kill with no thought or emotion which is connected to the brain.

They experimented on murderers, rapists and other people like insane people. Millions and millions of Russian money was to fund this horrendous experiment and it was to be secret but some how word always gets out. Theories after theories and more worries of how the Russian scientist were to carry this out and there were emotions of fear on the Russian scientists if they were to fail.

They had to figure out a way of keeping the whole body alive without the brain being present. They eventually found away of keeping the whole body alive with the use of wires connected to each organ and controlling the blood flow and pumping the heart, there were thousands of these types of wires connected to a machine which job is to keep the body alive without the use of the brain, this was thier first success. They also managed to keeps the eyes, ears and other main senses working as well.

The second objective was to be able to find away of controlling the body and making it do as the master or controller wants it to. Like a puppet really and they managed to make the brainless bodies of criminals, rapists and murders to flinch or pick up things and even try to stand; it was a small step but they couldn't fully make the body be under thier control. They couldn't find away to make the body do as they wanted it to or do more movements and with the lack of technology and scientific knowledge of the day, it seemed they had reached an end.

They had one more person which they hadn't experimented on, this next person called petrov and murdered his whole family and claimed it was his other split personality. They took out his brain and they tried controlling his body but it seemed like they were going to get the same results, until the brainless body of petrov who murdered his family; started to smile. The scientists were baffled and terrified as this was deemed impossible because petrov had no brain anymore.

The man who they were experimenting on started laughing and talking, even though petrov was saying complete random things it was absolutely impossible to do these things without a brain, petrov started joking around and saying sick things and was proud to kill his family. One of the scientists dared to speak, "petrov how are you doing this?" and petrov replied "petrov? Petrov is dead I am his other split personality and I am here forever"

Months later, all of the scientists were dead and mutilated and with all of the other failed experiments of failed bodies everywhere, except for petrov, no one knows what happened to him even to this day.

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