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"Felix, what did you do?" Minho sighs at the younger, rubbing his temples.

"I don't know, I was reaching up to put it on the shelf and a fly flew in my face and I got scared and dropped it," Jeongin was surprised at the deep voice that spoke, not expecting the cute boy to have such a deep voice.

"Who's the new kid? Is that the one we have to train tonight?" Felix asks, eyes trailing Jeongin's body, but smiling.

Jeongin stiffens under the gaze of said male, stuffing his hands in his pockets. Minho nods towards Felix and his grin grows wider. He walks over to Jeongin and pats his cheeks.

"I didn't know he would be this cute," he smiled softly at the blush that appeared on the younger's cheeks. Minho chuckled, nodding his head, agreeing with Felix's statement.

"Common let's teach him the ways of the flower shop," Seungmin says, walking the back, "but clean this up Felix, it is your mess."

Everyone chuckled as Felix groaned, grabbing a broom and sweeping the broken flower pot pieces into a pile and into the dust pan.

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