Hell On The Clouds

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Hi!!! This chapter took me a long time to write :D hope you like it !!! Please comment and vote :D

I screamed, a shrill sound, loud and piercing. But what use did it make? There was no one there to hear me, I tried turning my back, but the red haired angel grabbed me surprising strength and pulled me inside the room and locked the door.

The room was empty, with only a desk there, the bare walls seemed to be mocking me, telling me that I had no where to go.

"Do you remember me?" The woman whispered, her face expressionless, looking the same as before, it made me think back to that time, it made me think back to all the bad times.

"I said, do you remember me?" She snarled again.

Nodding, I felt angry thoughts bubbling up inside my head.

"I dont think so, you only think you do, but you dont," The old lady rasped, loudly, her spit flying.

I was starting to get really mad, who did she think, taunting me like that, cutting up an old scar?

"I remember all right, you wrote 'you owe me' on the window and then you killed me with that ugly axe of yours."

The old woman laughed, it was a horrible dry cackling sound. "No no no dearie, I'm not talking about that time, I was talking about about way before, when you were 4"

I frowned, what was she talking about? I couldn't remember much from bakc when I was four, but...Oh! The memories suddenly came flooding back at me, little by little, untill all the pieces of the puzzle came together.

That day was just like any other, I was running home from school when an old lady stopped me in my tracks, she looked hideos, but when I tried to tell her to go away, she clamped her hands over my mouth, and pulled her head close to me, so I could smell her breath. It smelled gross, like rotten fish, but when I tried to pull away, her hands held on even tighter.

"Don't go home today, don't go home today." She just kept on repeating that, her tone getting more and more alarming with every sentence. For some reason, I decided to listen to her, i think it was because of the care beneath the crazy voice, like she really cared for me.

I walked to the library, and sat there reading book after book, I just sat there untill the librarian decided to close down for the night. I walked home slowly, not knowing what to expect, or what was going to happen. just as I was about to turn the last corner, the lady appeared again, this time I didn't bother running away, I let her grab me by my shoulders and whisper "Remember girl, you have to come and visit me every year this day, I live here, just around the corner, remember girl, you cant forget." I promised without thinking and just ran away, when I turned my head to look back, the old woman was still standing there, a dazed smile on her horribly wrinkled face, but her eyes looked empty, she looked so lonely, just standing there. As I got closer to my house, I smelled smoke and something burning, and there were police cars parked every where. After asking around, I found out that our house had just burned down, along with several others, but luckily at that time, nobody was inside. But I secretly knew that I hd just escaped death, thanks to the old lady.

Spotting my parents, I rushed to them, they were argueing about something, and didnt even notice I was there, after a while, even with my little 4 year old brain, I could figure out my family had lost everything in that fire, and they had no insurance, so now they were broke, with only the money they carried with them that day.

After that, my family moved into a shack in the countryside, and I tried to forget everything that happened that day, and I suceeded, except, I even forgot about the promise I made to the old, lonely woman, which, now I know, pretty much cost me my life.

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