Nightmare with a doll

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HIIIi!!! I havent updated in soooo long ;D please vote and comment :D !!

Doll Nightmare 

It took me a long time to fall asleep, I was staring at the shadows on the walls, tossing and turning. I don't know how long it actually took, but I was suddenly standing in a yellow field of grass, the summer wind blowing through my hair. The sky was a dark shade of gray, with a slight tinge of purple, exactly reflecting my mood, and I felt as if the field stretched on forever and ever, never ending, until it touched the sky. I didn't know which way to go or what to do, I was lost, hopelessly lost. Just when I was about to take a thoughtless step forward, I froze, it was like the tingly feeling i felt before, when the old lady was watching me, but this time, when I turned around slowly, what I saw made me breathe a big sigh of relief, it wasn't the old lady, instead, it was a little five year old girl who looked familiar, running towards me, her white blonde hair flying, blue eyes wild and crazy. In her little hands, there was a doll, it looked hideous, but again, it looked familiar, its dark black hair cut into bangs and falling into her balckish blue eyes, her little mouth was stretched in a tight grimace, and half her face was ruined with scars. 

The little girl aproached me, out of breath and panting, her large eyes panick stricken. 

"Take her. Now... quickly, before they arrive." She wheezes, eyes darting back and forth, as she shoves the hideously twisted doll at me. 

"What?...?" But before I could finish, she already darted off, the golden fields of grass enveloping her tiny frame. 

Slowly, I laughed nervously to myself, cold sweat tingling, the doll still hanging by my hands, and glanced around me, taking in my surroundings. 

Thunder rolled, a gust of cold wind slapped at my face, my hair whipping at me, as the sky darkened into a blood red. Gray clouds were moving in, and I could just feel the slightest droplet of rain as it splattered against the tip of my nose. A tingling laugh was creeping in. Softly. High pitched and crazy, getting louder and more piercing as buckets of rain water poured out of the sky. 

I was immediatly drenched, my clothes completely saturated with water, but as I looked down at the doll, I was shocked. Her rags were dry. And she was blinking. Laughter erupting from her not moving mouth, her eyes blinking in steady rhthym. 

I dropped her. And immediatly realized my mistake as she shreaked. Blinking faster and faster. Eyes rolling into her head, as she lunged. 

Gasping. I shot straight up from my bed. The sheets twisted and soaked with sweat. The image of the doll still in my mind as I tried to catch my breath, and told myself that it was just a dream. It was still dark, the wind outside rustling the curtains, and the clock beside me showed the numbers 4:23 A.M. I snuggled deep into the covers, and tried forget everything, the tick of the clock in syncopation with the beat of my heart. 

Morning. Sunlight is streaming thought the window, and I hear birds chirping. It's seems like a great day. 

Then all of it rushed back to me. My death. Her. My dream. I shudder as I think back about it. Sitting up, and stretching. my eyes still adjusting to the bright morning sunlight. 

I scream. 

The doll. From my dream. it's at the foot of my bed. Her face frozen and eyes glassy, staring at me. I don't know what to do, so I keep screaming, covering my eyes, as I hear a door creak. 

I don't know how long i stayed like that, but the next thing I knew, a pair of icy hands were prying my fists away from my face. I screamed louder. 

"Its me." a voice whispers, containing no emotion at all. 

I creep open my eyes little by little, nervous about what might be awaiting me. The red haired angle is standing beside me, her eyes looking me up and down. 

"Come on. We need to go." She drags me out of bed and leads me out the door, the warm sun radiant in the blue sky. 

It feels just like any perfect day. 

But its not. 

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