Deaths Will Accure

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~Jake POV~

I dashed home leaving behind Mike. Sorry Ash. I forgot. Forgive me. I ran to the hideout and saw Ash. It seamed as if he wasn't breathing, but I checked his pulse. He's alive. I shocked him with lightning a little and he was breathing but it wasn't steady. He was pale. Even more pale than when I left him. I heard a rustle outside and ran out. Ready to attack. 

"Woah woah. It's just me." I turned and saw Mike. 

"Sheesh don't do that."

"Don't you think it's a bit rude to not introduce yourself?"

"I don't have a name."

"Oh yes you do. My name is Notch. I know your name because you belong in Minecraftia Jake. Your Minecraftian name is Huskeybite." 

Mike's headphones glowed red and we heard Ash scream. Like a scream as if he was in pain. I dashed back into the hideout and saw a shadowed figure. 

"WHO ARE YOU?!" Mike ran to Ash and checked his pulse. He held his hand with his eyes wide in shock. 

"I'm sorry. We were to late." I saw Ash's chest and it had blood on it and a dagger stuck in through him.

"That's it. YOU CROSSED THE LINE." A sword appeared in my hands. It was glowing and had a gem on the handle that was a shape of a thunder bolt. Mike got up and grabbed his bow and pulled back his arrows. The figure stepped forward and showed itself. The figure had wings and had purple eyes but no pupils. It was a female. She cried as she held what looked like two clock hands. 

"RUN!!! PLEASE RUN BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE." She screamed as more tears fell down. She dropped to the floor and she sobbed. "I don't want to do this Master EnderShroud and Herobrine. Let me go." She screamed in pain and smirked. "Well. Well. Well. If it isn't the recruits of Notch's army. You see, Master EnderShroud tried to take control of you AznMikee, but you were to strong since you are the offspring of Notch himself, so I took one of your recruits before you could even get to her. My name is Pendragon, and I was created to kill you that arrow you shot at me had a sleeping powder capsule and since I am half ender, I can't sleep. Oh yeah. I poisoned Ash long ago but it seems that all he's been doing is coughing up blood. Ta Ta for now." She disappeared. 

"I'll kill her when we see her again. I swear." 

"You can't. She's being controlled. She's one of us."

"DAMN IT!!! Then I kill the ones controlling her and free this girl, but that doesn't mean that I'll be nice to her." After all, she did kill Ash. 

"Jake, you won't be part of my team to avenge people's deaths. Deaths will accure so deal with it. You'll be part of my team to fight for other's freedom. You will be part of my team because others aren't like us. We are different. That's why we were chosen by Notch." I learned how to survive as a Minecraftian and how to control my lightning and lightning sword. I created a glass case with a sign. Inside the glass case was Ash's hat. I finished the sign:

In memory of Ash Ketchum. The greatest trainer I could ever ask for. Rest well. 

"Jake. Ready to go?" I grabbed my bag and sword in it's sheath and walked up to Mike.

"Let's go kill some bastards." I said as we left the AznCraft base. 

A/N: Thanks for reading. Feed back plz. Also if there are any grammer errors or typos please let me know where they are thx. Also, this is a crossover so remember that. 

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