AznCraft is Almost Complete

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~Ricky POV~ 

I examined the girl's coding her name was being protected by something, but all I knew was that she wasn't from Minecraftia and she isn't a Minecraftian. 


"Sorry...Just thinking."

"Hey I have a question. What did you do to General Joss?"

"I changed his coding to be air. So we are pretty much breathing in General Joss." I watched as Defias covered his mouth and nose. 

"Omg. I am so sorry General Joss." 

"Don't worry, he won't be gathering memory, but he isn't dead..."


"Excuse me? Are you two citzens of this town here?" 

"Yes we are. Are you-" I stopped talking when I saw the owners of the voices. I recently had a dream about a coding, but the coding made up something similar to these two people well person and slime. The slime's headphones glowed red.

~Mike's POV~ 

"Jake. Jake. Jake. Jake. Jake!!"


"Are we lost?" 

"I don't know, I thought you were looking at the map."


"You got us lost?!"

"I never had the map."




"You had the map the whole time didn't you."

".........Shut up." We walked along a path in silence. 

"A town!!!" I ran up to two people who looked like a ninja and a dwarf with a viking hat. 

"Excuse me? Are you two citizens here?" 

"Yes we are. Are you-" He stopped and stared at us. I guess we do look a bit... odd. My headphones glowed and I switched my vision. I recently learned how to use my abilities more. I can read minds and I can see souls and see if people are members of AznCraft. If they have a soul with a blue orb but a yellow glow they are AznCraft members. 

"Jake. They are members." I whispered. 

"They are?" He responded. 

"I'm AznMikee, call me Mike. This is Huskeybite."

"Call me Jake." 

"I'm kikiyai. Call me Ricky."

"I'm DefiasBacon. Just call me Defias."  

"AznCraft is almost complete. All of you need to work together to free the last member from EnderShroud and Herbrine's hands." 

"Those two don't exist though." Defias said.

"They do exist. Mike. Train these members to fight and to use their abilities."

"All right. Everyone follow me to HQ. You have lots to learn. Since we are a bit limited, why don't we give you a month to work on your abilities." 

"Abilities?" They said in unison. 

"You mean like how I can change people's codes?" As Ricky went silent his eyes glowed a bit and a man appeared next to him. 


"Boo." Ricky jokingly said and the guy ran away. 

"Pfft haha that's what he gets. Calling you weak and defying the general's codes." The two laughed together and then stopped. 

"Umm I think this is an ability." Defias said as he looked around the place and grabbed random blocks and items, after five minutes he put it all together and he had a grappling hook. I don't even know how or where he got these parts but that was put together under 10 minutes. We started heading back to AznCraft where we would train these two to fight with their abilities. 

~? POV~

"Master EnderShroud. I have returned, and I know about their weaknesses." 

"Excellent work, Pendragon." 

"Yes. Excellent indeed." 

"Thank you Masters." I said as I bowed down. I remember when they took me away from where I come from and Pendragon took over my body. I can't control what I do. I have no control over what I do or say. I want to be free. 

A/N: Sorry. Short chapter sorry. My hands are cramping from typing all day, but writting this story is so much fun =^-^=.

AznCraft: A Minecraft Story Based Off of a Minecraft FactionWhere stories live. Discover now