AznCraft Attack!!!

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~Mike POV~

"Hello AznMikee." 

"Who is this?!" 

"This is Felbez, call me Brett."

"Don't you dare hurt him Brett, if you hurt one of the members of AznCraft, we'll hurt you."

"Yes sir, but for some reason, Ethan's not here..."

"Who's Ethan?"

"EnderShroud's son. Becareful, I hate him too I hate my father and EnderShroud and his stupid son." 

~Brett POV~

"I heard that Brett." There was another voice. "Kill that dwarf Brett, or I'll slit your throat. Father knows you are betraying him, ever since the beginning."

"It's always father's words. Why not any of your words? You take orders from father like he controls you."

"Pendragon does it to Brett."

"Pendragon IS EnderShroud. They are two halves of a whole. If they are combinded, then the world will be over. He acknowledges you because he needs you. Right now, in this state. You are stronger. I am pretty sure you are a better ruler of the end than he is."

"Shut up!!! I don't trully exist!!! I am another part of EnderShroud and Pendragon. I was created in a lab. That's why. I am known as wicked, but do you think I HAVEN'T BEEN THINKING OF HOW I WAS NEVER LOVED!?!? THE ONLY WAY THAT MY FATHER GIVES ME LOVE IS BY ACTING TO HIS ORDERS AND ALWAYS DO MY JOB CORRECTLY! I HATE THIS. YOU DON'T KNOW HOW I FEEL. YOU HAVE A REAL MOTHER!!! YOU ARE PART HUMAN. Humans have freedom. Humans don't have to follow a fate, knowing that they want to be killed. You have a choice Brett. That's why I hate you, I hate you beacause, your father cares for you, I have no one who cares for me." He sounded like he was fighting back tears.

"Ethan. Pendragon, no Craftventure and I know how you feel. Sure, I have freedom, but I can't do anything. You and I, aren't here to kill innocent people, we are here to protect, because we are known as the rulers of Minecraftia. I am Brett, the offspring of Herobrine. The ruler of the Nether World. You are Ethan, the ruler of the End, and Mike. You are the ruler of the Aether world. We can build a castle in the Overworld, and rule it together, because we are the offsprings of the rulers of Minecraftia" There was silence over the communicator. I looked over at the unconcious dwarf and saw Ethan check his pulse. 

"He's fine. The dwarf is fine AznMikee."

"Okay. Thanks. I'll be going into the throne room. If anything happens to him, the same thing will happen to you, but 10 times worse."

~Pendragon POV~


"Everything all right Craft?"

"I sense EnderShroud's presence in our minds. Also, I took a look into the future, seems like Ethan, Brett, and AznCraft will free us soon."

"I can never be free. If they kill EnderShroud, I die too. That's why, I am giving up your body before it get's destroyed along with me." 

"Pendragon, but that's too sad. You deserve happiness. More than me. I'm too stupid to be the one who will be free."  


"Yes Master EnderShroud?"

"Come here for a second." I walk up to him and he touches my head. I felt a sharp pain in my mind and see Craftventure's body laying on the floor unconcious. I'm no longer in her body. I have no control over my own body again. NOO I DON'T WANT THIS!!! I am inside EnderShroud's mind. I see him pick up Craftventure and hands her over to Herobrine. Herobrine has a sad look and chains her up in the cage in the throne room. 

AznCraft: A Minecraft Story Based Off of a Minecraft FactionWhere stories live. Discover now