Sky Dragon Academy

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In the end of the Modern Era a spatial crack was formed which led to the earth forming a gateway between the two dimensions which caused monsters known as soul beasts to emerge on the surface of Earth. In the starting years after the connection of the two dimensions otherwise known as the Dimensional Connection, humanity was pushed to the bottom of the food chain which almost led to the extinction of the human race, however that changed when Joey Gray otherwise known as the Savior of Humanity discovered soul force. Because of his discovery he was titled as the one who saved humanity as well as the one who started the New Era.

During his time countless geniuses emerged which led to the development of humanity's military force, the other dimension otherwise known as the 2nd Dimension felt threatened as they issued an attack to weaken humanity's forces. War was inevitable, countless warriors died, but with the continuous wars against the 2nd Dimension, humanity developed more and more weapons against the 2nd Dimension. After several years of research humanity developed more advanced soul force cultivation techniques which led to humanity's development. After thousands of years humanity has finally pushed the 2nd Dimension soul beast back which led to humanity entering its prosperous era, the Golden Era otherwise known as the Era of Dragons and Phoenixes.


Holy Calendar, December 28, 2028.

A bloody smell suffused in the air as a man's voice resounded "Hans... take this... I'm done for... save yourself... and... avenge me" a middle-aged man said as he gave an ordinary storage ring to a 10-year old boy. "Father!!! Father!!!" the boy's body trembled as he cried with the man in his arms.

"I'll kill you!!! I'll kill you!!!" Hans roared with red eyes as he stomped the ground, like an arrow leaving a bow he charged straight to the beast that killed his only family. With a "ceng" sound, a sword made of common materials appeared in Hans's hand as he slashed the beast's head. The sound of a sword shattering resounded in the forest as the beast reached out its claws to tear Hans's body apart.

Before the beast could tear Hans's body apart a blinding light shot out of his body as it engulfed him like a cocoon. Inside Hans's consciousness was a body formed of the light that came out of his body. "This boy, hmmm? This, how can this be? His body is completely compatible with mine!" the man shockingly said "I'll help you once, as for the opportunity? it's yours to grasp." he said as he shot a white ball into Hans's head.

2 days later

"Ahhhhhh!!! Ahhhhhhh!!!" Hans screamed as he felt intense pain course from his body and head. After the pain in his head subsided he checked his fuzzy memories, "This... whose memories are these?" he stunningly said to himself after finding memories of techniques and other memories that didn't belong to him.

"Could it be I accidentally inherited an expert's memories?" as he couldn't realize what happened he decided to handle the matters at hand first.

He thought for a bit before deciding to enroll in Sky Dragon Academy, if anyone would know of his thoughts they'd probably look at him in disdain as Sky Dragon Academy was the world's best academy for soul force cultivators and was known as a place where geniuses could be found anywhere. Of course, he wouldn't come and humiliate himself, he of course had means to pass like the entrance note his father got from the academy.

While he didn't know much about his mother, he knew a lot about his father, for example he knew his father was a core student at Sky Dragon Academy and was only expelled because of special reason after that his father was crippled of his cultivation because of an accident when he was travelling the world, then his father met his mother and that was how his mother was conceived with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2018 ⏰

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