Chapter 39

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The Tables Have Turned

Chapter 39

“So the final answer is twenty three not fifteen,” Alex finished the explanation that I, of course, didn’t understand.

“Let’s take a break,” I suggested when he stared at me expectantly.

“No, Hailey, we can’t take a break. You need to learn this stuff for the exam.”

“But the exam is in two weeks!” I complained.

“And we have another two chapters.”

“Please? Only fifteen minutes,” I begged.




I gave him my puppy face, trying so desperately to convince him. I wanted to have a break, eat some chocolate, and relax for a bit.

“No, it’s not going to work this time. Your grades are good this term, we don’t want them to change because you—”

I cut him off by pressing my lips to his. He talks too much sometimes. He immediately responded, throwing away the book that was in his lap and pulling me closer. I smiled against his lips and he pulled away quickly, frowning at me.

“Hailey,” he reprimanded me. “That’s not a nice thing to do.”

I smiled innocently.

“At least it’s better than math,” I said.

“I won’t argue with that,” he muttered and I laughed.

“Where are you going?” He asked when I stood up to leave my room.

“I’m going to get some food.”

“We’re studying!”

“We’re taking a break!”

“I didn’t agree to that.”

“You did. Should I kiss you again to remind you?”


“Well then too bad. You’re not getting a kiss.”

“Why not?” He pouted.

“Because that will waste my time. I want to eat some chocolate before those fifteen minutes are over.”

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