Chapter 8

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I wonder what's wrong with Jungkook. Is he really like this or he left his brain somewhere. Hmm but that was fun tho.


I woke up from my nice hours of sleep. I grabbed my towel and quickly go to the bathroom.

I wore my uniform and i decided to curl my hair instead. I walk downstairs and took a slice of bread with strawberry jam in it. I went to the kitchen to see my mom. I hugged and kissed her cheeks as usual. “Bye mom!!”

“Bye sweetheart!!” she yelled.

I walk quickly to school since i am left with 5 minutes. I ran as fast as i can and quickly run to my classroom and sit down. I settle down, take out my textbook and put them on the table. I breathed quite heavily. I felt like someone's watching me. I turned around and i saw Jungkook staring at me with his chin on his hands.

I giggled and he quickly looked away and blush as i caught him.

The lessons goes well but i caught Jungkook staring at me quite a few times. He's weird tho.

Maths Lesson

Okay class, today we're going to solve this question but i need you to pair up.” Ms. Soojin said. The class started to talk to each other, telling who'll be their partners. “But..” and the class went silent and freeze at their spot. “I'll be the one who choose so be prepared.” she said with a light smirk.

I don't mind being with anyone though but i don't know about Jungkook.. Ms. Soojin announced their partners and left with me, Jungkook and Hanbin. “So, since we have an uneven amount of students in this class, one of you guys will have to work alone.” she said with her index finger on her chin.

“Jungkook, you can go with Hanbin. Jieun, I'm sorry but you'll have to work alone.” i let out a sigh of relief and sit back to my seat.

“NO! I'm sorry Ms. Soojin but can i work with Jieun instead?? Jaebal.. (Please..)” Jungkook yelled, begging our teacher. I immediately freeze in my spot, i felt blood rushing to my cheeks. I don't know  what to do and where to look at.

Everyone was looking at me. Some girls glared at me. They students started whispering because they're afraid to talk out loud since he's the baddest bully ever.

“Oh uhmm, I'm okay if Jieun doesn't mind.” she said and raise her shoulder. Jungkook looked at me and walk towards me. I became so nervous and scared.

He's now right infront of me. “Please.. Can I??” he said softly with a smile. I was hypnotised with his smile as i immediately nod.

His smile got wider and i was too focus on his smile that i didn't realise i was smiling too.

He said beside me at Soora's seat and we started doing our project.

Break Time

Ever since he sat beside me for our Maths Project, I kept on blushing and i didn't ask him why and we just kept on discussing about our project. As the bell rings, I quickly move from my seat, grabbing my lunch box and trying to run and leave him alone there but-

“Wait!!” he said while grabbing my wrist while i'm trying to run.

I turned around, not looking through his eyes.

“Umm can we have lunch together? In the classroom?” Jungkook said. “Oh my god what the- is he okay?? Did he took a wrong medicine or he lost his mind??” i whispered in my heart. I nodded and he smiled so wide.

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