Ch.3 Her

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It was dark, not that dark but there was some light in it. It was also warm too,hmm weird. Jeez, my head hurted and my mouth was dry as a desert. What happend? Oh yeah that monster was there. She said wasn't one of those monsters and I should just chill. Wait where is she? Where am I?
I eyes suddenly shot up, sunlight piercing though my eyes. I closed my eyes and rubbed them. They opened once again and ajusted, gathering my surroundings.
Okay I'm in a bed, in some sorta building and there's something to my right. Sitting on the bed. It certainly was human. Short brown-red hair cropped in the back. Little bit tanned.
Oh and I think she's the same woman that
I saw earlier. Well at least she's not a monster if she brought me here. Plus the last thing I remember was the world in a blur.
I tried to speak but my voice was dry. I coughed and cleared my throat. I went say hi but Kollin number two stopped me.
"Hold up. You can't just say "hi" right after you passed out. That's saying "hi I'm back from the dead now haha everything is all fine and dandy." No, it won't work, maybe just tap her and go slowly so you won't give her a heart attack."
"Okay so if I tap her then what?
"Okay so tell her you're awake. Oo better yet, tell her she's not a zombie because she was nice enough to take you to the store dimwit."
I grunted at my own different voice and reached out to tap her back. She turned around and looked surprised. "Holy shit kid! You're not dead!" I looked a little dumbfounded but was thirsty enough to worsen California's drought. "W-water. Pwease. Don't know when last time. Had water."
"Oh shit kid yea your right." She reached behind and brought out a tan canteen. "Here I have another one keep it. It's yours now." She twisted it opened . And I sat up, feeling a sting on my right thigh. I flinched and rubbed it.
"Whoa be careful. When you fell, you cut yourself with that sword of yours. Then I had to carry you back into this here liquor store." I brought it to my lips and drank it's refreshing taste, almost downing the whole bottle. Remembering the state of the world, I abruptly stopped and coughed a little. "So you." I coughed. "Brought me all the way here Miss?"
"Yea. So actually, here's how it went down. You passed out but luckily I ran and slid before your head hit the ground. Then a whole lotta zombies came for us, so I grabbed your sword and sliced all their heads off in just a couple of swings." Her story was making my face in shock and awe. "So after I lunge kicked one into another I threw you over my shoulders and ran like hell. Luckily they couldn't catch up because my blistering speed to this very building." She pointed downward. "But it wasn't over cuz' now there was some raider in the store. Making this his base camp. He wanted to fight me and charged me. With you still on my shoulders I dodged right, then swung your feet around to kick him out the door. He was so scared he wet his pants and ran off. It was so funny. Yea so now we're here."
"R-really that really happend?! That's so cool!" I managed to sit up. She chuckled. "No just kidding, you passed out and all I did was carry you to this liquor store, picked a lock and put you in this bed. Nothing more to it besides some zombies."
"O-oh whatever. At least we're safe Miss." I didn't know what to call her. "Eh don't sweat it." She stood up and stretched upwards. I sat up and she turned back around.
"Oh and um." She looked down at the floor, hands in pockets. "What Miss?" I wore a face of confussion. "I uh. Kinda." What? What is that c'mon Miss just spit the damn words out. She took a breathe and gulped.
"While I was trying to find some replacement, um, clothing. I kinda found." She paused. I swear to god, her suspense was killing me but building up. "P-panties kid. In your bag. I was trying to see if you had an extra pair of briefs and then I found them. In your bag." She looked at me with a 'please don't hate me' face. I lifted the blanket and un buttoned my pants.
"Hey my panties!" I exclaimed.
"You're what now?" Now she wore the face of confusion.
"Yeah. They're my panties. Sis made them for me."
"Oh yeah. Sis, my older sister. She's a scientist. She's a biologist, works for the government, and she designed these." I pointed to them. She looked dumbfounded. "Anyways. They're strong but soft. Stretchy but they don't stretch out. I know a lot about it. Sis had me do a lot of 'testing'." I said with air quotes.
"So you're telling me. That you just had these panties in your bag that your Sister made, who's also a Biologist and works for the government."
I smiled amd nodded,"Mmhm."
"A 21stnd why was it in your bag?"
"Mm. I was gonna go camping with Sis to help her collect samples. It's usually rocks and soil and sometimes some weird plants. But she ends up bringing a lot of her lab stuff, so we have to put her clothes in my bag. We were gonna go today but then she got called in yesterday." My voice slowed. "Then I woke up to this whole thing." I sat there in silence for a while. Staring at the blanket.
The woman sat back down, swinging her right leg to prop her knee up on the bed and the left one for support. "You miss her, huh." I looked and she was staring right into my small eyes. "Huh?" "I said you miss her right?"
I folded my knees and propped my head on them. "H-how'd you know?" She traversed right and slid her left leg under it. Her arms into a more comfortable position. "Your eyes. They're empty." Her voice was soft and paced.
I tilted my head to the side a little and gave a questioned face. "Believe me. I've seen a ton of empty eyes." "What's that supposed to mean?" I brushed my hanging hair to my right.
"It means this. You've been with her for so much time, you hardly even knew it. You love her. Don't you?" She then quickly stammered, "A-as a sister I meant." "Well yeah now that you think about. I've done so much 'testing'." I said with air quotes, "I barely knew I kinda liked it. Because it made her happy. And, I guess if she was happy, I was too." I smiled a little.
She chuckled a little. "See just a li'l talk and now you're happy. It's all it takes." I breathed out a smiled.

So. Im back. This was came out later than expected bc of school. Fuck school. Anyways I'll be changing CH. 1 to tie in with chapter 2. The reason is poor planning. I guess I was so so eager to get this new story out I forgot to plan. Well shit now I have to that. So if you want, you can go back and read chapter 1 or don't I really don't care. No I sowwy pls read. Bye ~Pancake

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